How to germinate barley

How to germinate barley

Barley is an annual plant of the "cereal" family with direct low stem. It was used since ancient times our ancestors in folk medicine, brewing, technical and well industries. In fact, it is a unique plant in its composition very saturated with nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Given his utility, many try to grow barley on their own. But at the same time, some characteristic features of the grain "germination" procedure should be known. Let's look at it in more detail.

First prepare "Material". Barley must be high quality - choose it in such a way that it is suitable for eating, and not only as sowing. Thoroughly rinse the barley grain under cold water, then soak it and leave in this form for 3 days. Moreover, water should change in this case every 6-7 hours. After that, lay out the grains on a pre-prepared gauze or a loose fabric (cast in warm water). Then the barley should be shifted along with gauze to the bottom of the glass container and cover the lid.

Provide the desired temperature mode. Grains must be in a dark cool place with a temperature not higher than 20 degrees. Also the top layer of gauze, which will periodically push, need to wet water. Do not forget about "natural ventilation" - once a day, be sure to access the air. For this you need:

  1. Open the capacitance cover in which the grains are located - once a day;
  2. Remove the top layer of gauze (fabrics);
  3. Leave in this form at least 20-30 minutes in a warm ventilated room.

When fulfilling all recommendations in 3-4 days, your sprouts should grow. The length of them will be several millimeters (up to 4 mm). Remember: the process of germination completely depends on the conditions and type of grain that you use. There is such a type of grain, which germinates longer, but its sprouts are much denser and higher. The finished plant needs to be washed with boiled water (not hot) several times, and then you can eat it. It is recommended to use sprouted sprouts at once, since with a long storage they are hard and acquired a bitter taste.

Sprouted grain.

It is believed that the optimal length of the barley grain sprout is up to 5 millimeters. In this case, it contains a large concentration of vitamins and minerals. If escape above - it begins to fade, lose the taste and its useful substances. You can store seedlings only in the refrigerator and no more than 2 days. Before use, they should always be thoroughly rinsed.

The process of "germination" in the preparation of barley malt is slightly different from the previous one. It is desirable to use the grain of approximately the same size. To begin with, pour the barley with water for several days (it is best to take enameled or glass dishes). Water will have to be changed at least than every 8 hours, it is important to accelerate the necessary biological processes. The clumsy barley should "get sided" for several days. Next begins the process of "growing" sprouts, which takes about a week. The length of the shutters in this case reaches the double size of the whole grain. Finished malt can be stored in the refrigerator (no more than 3 days). For longer use, germinated grains dry for 20 hours at a temperature of not more than 55 degrees. In this case, a properly cooked malt will have a light yellow color.

Barley sprouts are a unique biologically active product. Finished sprouted grains of this plant are actively used by traditional medicine at:

  • Acute bout of cough;
  • Allergic dermatitis in children;
  • As an increase in lactation of nursing mothers;
  • Diseases of the urogenital system;
  • Acute diarrhea;
  • Diabetes;
  • Problems with gastrointestinal tract and other diseases.

Remember that self-medication should not be too carried away, when the side action occurs, you should consult a doctor.

Now, having studied the described instructions, you should not have questions, for which it is necessary to have a germinated barley, and how to cook it. If you do everything right, you can safely use the healing grains of this plant in food.

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