How to sprout oats

How to sprout oats

Man by nature has indefatigable energy. We constantly explore something, open and find out. Even in seemingly studied along and across the areas, we manage to find “white spots”. For example, in the field of food. Some 10 years ago, we were new to the vegetarianism, and now all the more turnover is gaining raw food diet.

One of the main dishes of raw foodists is sprouted grains. Today we will talk about how to sprout oats. This wonderful plant from the cereal family contains a large amount of vitamins and trace elements, helps restore intestinal microflora, protects cells from free radicals, strengthens the nervous system, rejuvenates the skin, and improves blood circulation. True, there are contraindications for their use: individual intolerance, renal and heart failure, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, and the postoperative period. With indefatigable consumption, oats can harm people suffering from calcium deficiency.

If you have not found your case in contraindications, let's see how to sprout oats. Live sprouted cereals contain the maximum amount of nutrients. To get started, take a glass of oats and rinse thoroughly. Put them into a jar and pour 2-3 cups of cold water.

Living food. Power of the seedlings (2)

Wait for about 8 hours and drain the first water, rinse them under running water and dry. To do this, put the grains on gauze. Oats should be stored at room temperature in the shade, but so that there is enough fresh air.

After 12 hours, rinse again and dry your oats thoroughly. Now he is ready to use. Accustom yourself to new food slowly, start with 1-2 tsp. per day, but subsequently, do not consume more than 70 g per day. You can store the sprouted oats in the refrigerator, but not very long. Optimally no more than 3 days.

Please note - the seedlings should not be green! For a person in this case, they become poisonous. If you do everything right, provide yourself useful and original breakfast for every day. Remember that such food needs to be chewed very carefully, and this is also the key to your health.

In principle, as often happens, we returned to where we started. Natural nutrition for the human body for a long time consisted of raw vegetables and fruits, seeds, nuts, etc. Will it be possible to brush up the millennia of “cultivation” from our body and return it to raw food completely without harm to health, remains in question. But the fact that in your daily diet you can add a lot of useful from this long -lost and newly acquired power system, you can be sure. At the same time, be attentive to yourself, any system (nutrition, training, etc.) should be created for the body, and not the body for them. Take care of yourself!

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Lyudmila 04/04/2015 at 17:58



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