How to germinate wheat for Easter

How to germinate wheat for Easter

The germination of wheat sprouts is not only an alternative way to transform and refresh your housing for spring holidays, but also a good opportunity to improve health, correct the figure and saturate the body with useful substances and life-giving the body.

You will need:

  • wheat grains (better buy in the market, in supermarkets worse);
  • soil for vases or simple sawdust;
  • spacious capacity of at least 5 cm deep into;
  • paper napkins or food film.

Photo number 1.

Lay out the grain into the prepared container and pour it with water room temperature (but not boiled) so that the water covered wheat to several centimeters. In such a state, wheat remains for a day (we do not cover anything).

Photo number 2.

After the day, the grains are filtering, throwing them into a sieve. Previously used capacity ripped with a paper napkin, pour back wheat, cover from above with food film or paper napkins and sprinkle with water so that the napkin is completely wet. Watch carefully for a sufficient level of humidity, sprinkling or lightly watering wheat water. Thus, we continue to moisturize the grain until white tiny shoots are sprout. Sprouts will appear very quickly, literally during the day.

Photo number 3.

Baskets or other containers fill the soil. The layer of the cover should be at least 3 cm. Pre-install the bottom of the food or polyethylene film so that the earth does not crumble and the water does not flow. Earth is pre-moisturized with water and after evenly laying the grains with a dense layer.

Photo number 4.

After covering the paper napkin, we spray it with water and cover with polyethylene (do several holes for air exchange). The next day, again spray with water napkin and keep under polyethylene. After another day, we remove our greenhouse, otherwise wheat will turn mold, and we do not need it. Next, we continue to bother the sprouts every day, and a miracle will happen in your eyes.

Photo number 5.

If you wish, you can decorate your plant in the most simplest way - cut, give the shape, decorate eggs or flowers.

Photo number 6.

Since the germinated wheat marks the "green slide", it is possible to lay out 12 Easter eggs around it, which symbolize the apostles, and in the middle one large and especially decorated egg, symbolizing Christ.

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