Easter egg as a symbol of birth serves as a guard and the most popular gift to his loved ones and native in these bright days. It has long come to us the tradition to decorate Easter eggs, and everyone tried to be the most elegant and beautiful.
Buy eggs to Easter need fresh and, preferably, from home chickens. Such an egg will really bring health and good luck, especially if it is skillfully painted. Before proceeding with color, eggs need to wipe with alcohol. Preferably for coloring, use natural components - onion husks, birch leaves, beet juice. If the egg is caught before painting with scotch, then the painshings are stripped, checker, lattice, with a spiral pattern.
The most common way to color with the help of onion husk, it was started to collect in winter. At the same time, the method of coloring eggs can not be preneched, but to straight raw to bed at the bottom of the saucepans with a onion husk and, adding water, several spoons of salt, so that the eggs do not crack, and cook until ready. Pleasant golden brown eggs will like the households, and for a larger aesthetic effect on the testicle, you can put a beautiful leaf of parsley, celery and tightly tie in front of the cooking gauze or a kapron stocking. Then there will remain a beautiful bright print leaf.
The green of the testicles will turn out if you boil them with the leaves of spinach or nettle, and for a bright yellow shade use curkum. Flowers violets will help to achieve a beautiful purple color. It is necessary to insist violets in hot water and leave in the egg solution for the night. After adding a little lemon juice into the water, you can get lavender paint.
For pink, the cranberry juice is used in which the eggs are drunk and allow them to be broken for several hours. A pleasant beige shade gives natural coffee. If in front of cooking in any dye, the wet egg is cut into buckwheat, rice, and then tightly tie marley, then the paint will acquire an interesting coloring: in Krapinka.
The real work of art is especially valued - Pyanka. It is necessary to work on its creation, but this process is so fascinating that children will gladly take part in it. A hot wax is applied on a welded egg with a match or a special writing (you can use a burning candle wax). When cute flowers, stripes, the specks will be evenly located along the entire surface of the egg, dip it into a non-rigid solution of paint, so that the wax is not melted. When the uncoated sections of the wax will turn together well, the eggs are dried and lightly remove the wax, for which the egg can be heated above the candle. Tender patterns are clearly commenned on the painted surface of the pussy.
An easier way that allows you to get a wonderful result - the eggs-scratch. On the painted egg, patterns are applied with a sharp object - a needle, pin. For the same analogy, you can apply a white patterns from a thick mixture of sugar powder and water to a colored egg with a confectionery syringe.
Showing fantasy, everyone creates its unique Easter egg. If after painting it rubbing it with vegetable oil, it will gline, as a real spring sun. People's belief reads that if it is divided into an egg for the Easter breakfast for the whole family, then the world will always reign peace and mutual understanding.