Bath with tea: the purpose and benefits

Bath with tea: the purpose and benefits

How nice after a hard day soak in a warm and fragrant bath, forget about all the problems and fly to the country of dreams! But where will effectively take tea bath. Did not hear? Interesting? Then read on.

Rules bath reception

Before going into the bath, you need to figure out some simple and useful rules:

  1. Remove make-up and take a shower. This will allow the skin to get rid of dust and dirt and have more effect on the further procedures.
  2. Do not be carried away by the hot font. Maximum comfortable temperature should not exceed 38 degrees.
  3. You can not take a bath more than 30 minutes.
  4. After the bath, you need to take a shower room temperature. This will enhance blood circulation, close pores.

Useful properties of tea baths

Bath with tea contribute not only to relax but also to cleanse the body of toxins and impurities. And after taking such baths skin becomes velvety, supple and gets healthy hue. Also tea bath is useful to take people with skin problems. This is not surprising, since the tea - excellent anti-infective agent, which is very handy when pimples, rashes, pustules. But it's not all the benefits of magic tea bath. Cosmetologists say that such a bath and have a rejuvenating effect. And, with the help of a tea bath can keep a nice tan and protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.

Preparation of a tea bath

Not so long ago in China it was fashionable to take tea bath. Still would! After all, after the procedure you feel fine, and the skin becomes soft and velvety. Tempting, is not it? Yes, and take such a bath can not in China, and at home. Let's try?

Tea bath before bedtime

For the preparation of suitable ordinary black tea and the most ordinary water.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a cup of black or green tea and pour it sprinkled.
  2. We thoroughly mix and cover the lid so that the tea is blown within an hour.
  3. Fix the infusion and add to the bath.
  4. We take a bath for 20 minutes.

Green tea bath against fatigue

Such a bath will greatly remove any fatigue. For her cooking you need:

  1. Take 6 tablespoons of green tea and chop in a coffee grinder to a powder condition.
  2. Pour boiling water.
  3. Let break for about 20 minutes.
  4. Add to warm bath.

Tea bath from peeling and redness

Such a bath will perfectly prepare the body to sleep and eliminate the peeling and skin irritation. For her cooking you need 2 tablespoons of any green tea, 1 cup of oatmeal and a glass of dry milk glass thoroughly mix and grind in a coffee grinder. The resulting mixture add to the warm bath.

Tanning bath for sunbathing

Such a bath will help extend the tan. Chaequecles of freshly stiff tea with the addition of chamomile pour out into the water and take the bath for 20 minutes.

Baths with tea - simple enough and effective. In addition, the tea bath can also add aromomasla and herbal infusions. Today, such baths are one of the most popular body skin care spa. Yes, and in the leaves of Cauloks contain more than 300 beneficial substances. So be beautiful and ... with light steam!

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