Bath with vinegar how to take

Bath with vinegar how to take

Acetic baths are a very useful evening procedure. Vinegar is quite widely used in cosmetology, since it effectively eliminates a rather large range of problems associated with the skin of the face and body. And acetic baths allow you to achieve maximum benefit for the entire body.

Basic use with vinegar

People hosting one or twice a week acetrate baths mark a significant improvement in the well-being and appearance of the skin. This is due to the fact that thanks to such baths, the body is performed from slags and toxins, harmful acids are washed. Baths have a beneficial effect and skin condition. It is deeply cleaned, the pores are narrowed, damaged skin particles are removed, blood microcirculation is stimulated. As a result, the acetic bath has a number of important advantages: it contributes to weight loss, removal of stretch marks, pigment spots and skin darkening. As a result of the disfiguring effect, acne disappear and acne disappear, with the help of vinegar, you can even get rid of serious diseases: fungal infections, warts and eczema. In addition, there are many vitamins and nutrients in vinegar, so it makes the skin with an elastic, smooth and elastic.

Rules for receiving acetic baths

Before taking the bath you need to make sure that you have no contraindications, and familiarize yourself with some subtleties of acetic baths:

  • First you need to make sure that the vinegar does not cause allergies. To do this, lubricate a shape of a small piece of leather on your hand and watch the skin reaction. Allergies can manifest itself a maximum 12 hours after applying to the skin, so it is better to spend a test for a day before taking acetic bath.
  • If there is abrasions, scratches or open wounds, the use of the bath should be postponed.
  • An hour before the bath and within an hour, it is impossible to eat. It is best to take acetic bath in the evening, 1-2 hours after dinner and a couple of hours before sleep.
  • For soothing, relaxing action take a bath in a relaxed atmosphere, without annoying music or a favorite transfer. Use this time to think about the past day and relax.
  • Only natural vinegar is suitable for the bath, a solution of no more than 5%. It is best to choose an apple vinegar, it has more substances that are beneficial to the skin.

How to take a bath with vinegar

To prepare the bath, type water with a temperature of 36-50 degrees. Water should not be too hot, pick up a comfortable temperature for yourself. Then, add 2 glasses of vinegar, preferably apple. Tell in such a bathroom for 15-20 minutes. If suddenly you feel unpleasant changes in well-being, stop the procedure, even if the appointed time has not yet left. Then rush in the shower, wash your towel and take another 15-20 minutes in a horizontal position on the sofa or bed.

Acetic baths are not only a pleasant, but also a very useful procedure. Cut it 1-2 times a week - and in a month you will notice a significant improvement in both the appearance and well-being. This way to take care of yourself is easy and affordable, so it will not be difficult for it!

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