How to take a contrast shower

How to take a contrast shower

About the benefits of a contrasting soul, we hear almost from childhood. But to decide on such poultry, and even more so turn into a daily habit, a few are ready. Someone is just too lazy, and someone considers this procedure too uncomfortable. In fact, following simple rules, you can strengthen health, while not experiencing any psychological discomfort.

Summer is the right time to start harding procedures. It is at this time that cold water is joy, not torture. In the spring, the organism is often weakened, and additional stress to him for nothing. And in the fall and winter hindrance on the way there may be frequent OZS or low room indoor temperature. But still, in the presence of desire, well-being and a reasonable approach can be processed at any time.

To start taking a contrasting shower, of course, it is necessary to decisively, but the main thing is gradually. It is this approach that guarantees you a pleasant feeling, cheerful morning and the acquisition of a good habit. The main principle of the contrasting shower is a sharp temperature difference. The maximum hot jet - 40-45 ° C, cold - 5-10 ° C. Initially, use the maximum range is not necessary. For the first days you can water yourself with hot and slightly cool water, with each day lowering the temperature. But reached up to 20 ° C, it is worth stopping the gradual decline and begin to be pulled as cold as possible. The thing is that water below 19 ° C is already significantly cooled by the body, but does not yet give the desired result - shaking the body. It is at this stage that many, not knowing this secret, refuse to harden, because they begin to root and not getting benefit.

The contrasting shower is the final stage of morning hygienic procedures. Therefore, initially take the usual warm, conducting all the necessary manipulations. And then they increase the temperature to the highest possible and make contrast dials. The change of temperature should be at least three, better five. Intervals can be made uniform - for 1-2 minutes. Or according to such a scheme: 20-40-80-120 seconds of cold water, 120-80-40-20 seconds are hot. You can change this progression on your discretion. The main principle - during the procedure, gradually increase the exposure time of a cold jet and reduce warm. You need to pour evenly the whole body, except for the head, going from top to bottom. Do not forget also about the feet.

In the morning, the souls finish with a cold stream, and in the evening warm. After it should be perfectly confused by a terry towel. It is necessary to start moving from below and gradually move up along the spinal line. Invalid transverse rubbing on the spine. Conduct contrast poultry at least an hour before going out or three hours before the deposit to sleep.

The main task of a contrasting shower is the inclusion of organism reserves. And since we are not robots or clones, then everyone has their own way, and the main landmark is their own feelings. After the procedure you must feel the vigor and the tide of the strength. If you feel chills, you need to increase the pastime under hot water or to increase the temperature of the cold.

Despite their tremendous benefits, the contrasting souls can cause harm. Harding procedures should not be started during the exacerbation of chronic diseases, against the background of influenza or elevated temperature, as well as during menstruation. It is contraindicated in hypertension, acute thrombophlebitis and development of malignant tumors. But during a light cold stop druising.

Daily adoption of a contrasting soul is an excellent habit and a guarantee of good health.

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