Each person since childhood has clearly understood that it is necessary to wash. But not everyone knows how to do it right. From how, and how many times we wash, the health and beauty of our skin directly depends. What mistakes should be avoided and as a procedure for cleansing the skin of the face, we will talk in this article.
Washing frequency
The main rule for all: it is necessary to wash daily twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.
Never go to bed without washed away before bedtop cosmetics from face. Neglecting this rule threatens trouble in the form of rashes on the skin. Do not worry too often, more than three times a day. For dry skin, it is generally contraindicated, it also harms it - overhanging, the skin begins to restore the balance due to the more active work of the sebaceous and sweat glands.
Means for washing
The best washbasin is something that has a neutral pH, cleans good, but gently, without destroying the protective layer.
Use these tools in accordance with the type of your skin:
- The dry skin is best suitable for emulsions, mousses or foams, which do not cut the skin, and on the contrary - moisturize and soften.
- Fat and problem skin needs to be cleaned by a special gel, mousse or exfoliant containing in the composition of active substances of antibacterial action. Such a tool cleans the pores well, matches the skin, eliminates inflammation.
- Normal and combined skin will perfectly clean the foaming gel or mousse, which will save from the skin and dirt, clinging the pores.
In order to wash out makeup in the evening, spend the skin cleansing in two stages: Remove the cosmetics with any suitable démaquillant tool - it may be milk, hydrophilic oil, micellar water, and then beware of the foam gel.
Water quality
Water for washing should be clean and soft. If you wash with tap water, clean it with a filter. You can soften the water, boil it - this is the easiest way. Also, in order to mitigate, you can add a quarter of a teaspoon of drinking soda to a liter of water or a teaspoon of lemon juice on the same volume. A very good result is sinking with non-carbonated mineral water. Thanks to such procedures, the skin softens and always well moistened. For skin of any type, it is very useful to rinse from brazing herbs.
Temperature mode
In addition to the quality of water, choose the right temperature:
- Cold water is a good tonic, but with regular use leads to a narrowing of blood vessels, thereby impair the trophy of the skin, making it prematurely sluggish and flabby.
- Hot water perfectly cleans the skin surface. But the abuse of hot wash can lead to a vascular grid, a decrease in tone and strengthening the salo-waste. Therefore, arrange yourself such a "bunny day" with hot water no more than two times a week, preferably in the evening to restore the protective layer per night.
- Warm water is good for normal skin, however, the frequent washouts of water of such a temperature reduce the tone.
- The optimal solution can be considered water temperature. In addition to a refreshing effect, cool water tones well. Use contrasting procedures: first warm, then rinse the face with cold water. Such washes are especially good for oily skin and advanced pores. If you have fragile vessels and extended capillaries, then it is better to refrain from contrasting washbasins.
Washing technique
Remember several non-hard rules:
- wash in the morning and in the evening,
- before the procedure thoroughly wash your hands,
- moisten the face of pure room temperature,
- fill in your hands your remedy, apply it with circular movements on the skin of the face, bypassing the eye area,
- do not forget about the hair growth zone, neck, nose wings,
- well wash the remedy, rinse the skin cool water,
- get blocked by a soft napkin, and even better give the skin to dry yourself,
- further care in accordance with your skin type.
Observing these simple rules, it is possible to ensure that your skin will always shine beauty and health.