How to get rid of comedones

How to get rid of comedones

Comedones are one of the manifestations of acne, with whom he is familiar with almost every resident of our planet. And despite the fact that such rashes do not bear a direct threat to health, it is still not worth letting them on samonek. At the launched stage, the comedone can merge into groups, to form uluses - and then the cosmetic problem is already becoming medical. Therefore, the acne treatment needs to be approached systemically and comprehensively, and to the comedones in particular.

Comedones: Open and closed

Comedones are expanded skin pores filled with skin. If the contents of the comedone "covered" on top of the epithelium and does not have the ability to go out - it is called closed. Such rashes have a white head towering over skin level. When attached to the bacterial flora, such a comedone is inflamed, blushes and becomes painful. If it is time with the contents remain open - such a comedone is called open. In this case, the skin-spopped skin fat has a dense consistency and is similar to a rod with a dark head, which can be seen on the skin.


Causes of comedonov

The main role in the emergence of comments today is given to hormonal imbalance, which is why the work of the sebaceous glands is significantly activated and the processes of regeneration of the epithelium are changed. Also on the condition of the skin can adversely affect chronic infections and endocrine disorders, errors in nutrition, incorrect skin care (or absence), harmful habits. There is evidence that the comedones can "get" inheritance or as a result of adverse external factors (hyperinsolation, polluted air).


Proper nutrition in the treatment of comedones

As mentioned, improper nutrition is one of the factors that contributes to the formation of comedones. Indeed, all that we eat leaves "footprint" on our skin. Therefore, in order not to activate the skin sebaceous glands, limit or eliminate from the diet of such "provocateurs" as alcohol, strong coffee and tea, carbonated drinks, animal fats, complex carbohydrates, sharp dishes and smoked. The predominance in the menu of vegetables, light protein food, fermented dairy products, fruits and vegetable oils ensures your skin healthy look.


Correct care as the method of prevention and treatment of comedones

The organization of proper care for problem skin is no less important, since not only helps to eliminate existing rashes, but also serves as an excellent preventive agent. Regarding comedones, the main rule of skin care is purity and regularity. Therefore, enter into your life the habit of not going to bed "in cosmetics" under no circumstances and wash with the use of special means at least 2 times a day. 2-3 times a week complement the leaving complex peeling using scrubics, homages, gels or masks, 1-2 times a week - cleansing masks. When conducting procedures, do not forget to pre-make the baths with therapeutic herbs (pre-sprawling of the skin opens the pores, and therefore all subsequent cleansing procedures will be as effective as possible).

Cosmetics against comedone

Choosing care cosmetics for problem skin, pay attention to special agents that include zinc, surfactant, salicylic acid, ammonium lactate, retinol, vitamins A and E, sulfur, skinoren, essential oils and plants extracts. They not only clean the skin, but also will be removed or inflammation will be presented. For example, micellar water ("EXFOLIAC"), special gels or lotions ("Cleanan", "Creaceing Ultra", "Setaphyl", "Sebium" can be used as means for washing. No less effective in purification of oily skin will be tonic and lotions (unproductive) with the content of lemon essential oils, menthol, eucalyptus, tea tree and aloe vegetation extracts, chamomile, calendula, green tea, gammamemelis. Many cosmetic brands in the assortment have a special "anti-emerging" line, for example, "net line" at Garnier, "Pure Zone" at L'Oreal, "Visibly Clear" at Neutrogena, "Normaderm" at Vichy, etc. for cleansing Skin in the nose area can be used special strips.


Homemade skin cleansing from comedone

To free the clogged pores from a row plug, 2-3 times a month clean with the help of children's soap and soda. To do this, dispense the soap foam on the problem areas, then sprinkle them with soda and in 10 minutes they will be warm water. Well established itself as a leather cleaning agent Skin mask: Pretty mixed protein with sugar (1 tbsp. L.) And half the mass distribute the face. When the mask on the face will dry up, apply the remaining egg mass on top, patted on the skin with your fingers and palms before they stop sticking to the skin. Remove the remains of a mixture of cool water. Another simple, but effective method of cleansing the skin - with rice (white or brown). Rinse half a glass of rice, fill it with boiling water (in such a quantity to cover the grain) and leave overnight. In the morning, strain, grind and use in the form of a scrub or mask (for 10-15 minutes).

Homemade masks

Salon procedures against comedone

Proper nutrition, regular skin care and home remedies give a positive result in the fight against comedones. However, the most effective way to clean its skin is to add to this complex of salon procedures. The most common method of deliverance from rashes is the cleaning of a person, which can be carried out by a manual specialist, by microdermabrasion, chemical or laser peeling, with a hardware method (ultrasound).


Comedones - a problem that is completely able to solve each. The main thing is to approach this correctly, comprehensively and responsibly.

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