Masitarian mask from black dots

Masitarian mask from black dots

The struggle for beauty is the natural state of any representative of the beautiful sex. Special attention is paid to the person in this struggle, because it often gives not only the age of its mistress, but also what lifestyle it leads. Therefore, first we struggle with black dots, and then with wrinkles. However, there is a means that can solve both problems immediately - a mask of gelatin. Plus, it will significantly save the budget, since it consists of affordable ingredients. Here are some of the most effective variations of such a mask.

Rules for applying a mask from gelatin

Before moving to the recipes, take a few points on the use of a mask from gelatin from black points. First, it is necessary to apply it on pure, sparkled skin. Therefore, do not be lazy to clean the skin with a gel or scrub and make a steam bath (for example, with a chamomile or nettle). Such a condition dictates contraindications to a mask from gelatin: It is not recommended to apply it in the presence of cooperosis, inflammatory elements on the skin and high sensitivity. Secondly, try when applying the mask does not capture your hair (including eyebrows), because it will be very unpleasant to delete it. Thirdly, apply several layers of masks (3-4) and remove it only after complete drying, otherwise it will be removed in parts. Fourth, for greater comfort, remove the mask below, from the chin to forehead. Complete the home procedure with a slight cream with a moisturizing effect.

Masital mask with milk

The dairy-gelatinous mask from comments is the most popular recipe, because it has high efficiency in ease of use. For such a mask, you will need a package of ordinary food gelatin and milk that need to be mixed in equal amounts (1 tbsp. Gelatin on 1 tbsp. L. Milk, for a more dense mask - 2: 2). When the gelatin is swelling, bring it until the water bath is completely dissolved or in the microwave. We apply a ready-made mask on a prepared person (you can limit only with problem areas) in a convenient way to you (with a cotton disk, brush, fingers) and after 15-20 minutes, take off, carefully picing the nails.

Fruit gelatin mask

To make such a cleaning mask with a nutritional effect, from the selected fruits we get fresh juice (you can squeeze the fruit shredded by blender). We mix it with gelatin in the same proportion of 1: 1 and leave the last swell. Then, on a water bath or in the microwave, bring a mask to a homogeneous consistency and for 15 minutes we apply to the face. After carefully remove.

Gelatin mask with protein

This recipe is the optimal option for the owners of oily and combined skin, but with no less success can be used for any other type of skin. To make such a film mask, mix on the tablespoon of milk and gelatin, melt the swollen gelatin already described in the water bath or in the microwave). In the cooled mass interfere with 1 raw egg protein and apply a ready-made mask on the skin for 15-20 minutes. After complete drying, the film mask can be removed.

Gelatin and flour mask

The gelatin mask with flour is another effective recipe from black points from simple ingredients. Here you will need to make a homogeneous mass of milk and gelatin on the already specified method and cool. To the cooled mixture, add a teaspoon of prostruck and flour (wheat), mix the mass and apply for the face of 15-20 minutes (up to dry).

The gelatin mask from blackpoints is another example of a simple, but very effective cosmetic agent, with which you can make the skin of the face almost perfect at home. Make yourself such masks 1-2 times a week and rejoice in your reflection in the mirror! How to make an analogue of cleansing strips - a mask from the gelatin with activated carbon - look at the video.

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