Gelatin mask from wrinkles

Gelatin mask from wrinkles

Many housewives use food gelatin in the kitchen, but not everyone knows that it is an excellent affordable cosmetic product. Despitial masks are recommended for women of any age, but they are especially effective in the manifestation of the first signs of aging. Such masks will perfectly cope with moisture, cleansing and normalizing the metabolic processes of the skin, they have a pronounced tonic and lifting effect.

The principle of operation of gelatin masks

The basis of the youth of the skin is the collagen protein, which is less and less produced with age, therefore, to combat aging, the skin should receive it additionally from the outside. Gelatin is made of cartilage tissue of animals, and in fact it is a split collagen, which is well absorbed into the skin and maintains its elasticity and elasticity. Apply masks 2-3 times a week-and you will see a persistent effect: wide pores will be narrowed, keratinized particles of the skin will be removed, as a result of which it will become silky when touching, small wrinkles will be completely redeveloped, the complexion will improve and its oval will be pulled.

General recommendations for the use of gelatin masks

There are many different recipes of masks, they are given below, but the principle of their use is the same, we describe it:

  • The mask is applied to clean skin, i.e. Before applying the mask, the skin needs to be cleared properly to achieve the best effect. To do this, a scrub, any washing liquid or tonic is suitable. To enhance the effect even more, use a steam bath before applying the mask, it will steam the skin and expand pores, preparing the skin for the procedure.
  • The mask can be used on the face, neck and neckline, over time, these places also need additional care, as they can “give out” age. But in no case do not touch the area around the eyes, in these places the skin is too thin and delicate.
  • The duration of the mask is 20 minutes. At this time, you need to avoid the movement of the muscles of the face: try not to smile and refrain from changing your facial expression, during the mask it should be completely relaxed.
  • You need to take a mask from gelatin very carefully. Never remove the mask, tearing the formed film - this is the most common mistake, the skin of the face is subjected to great stress and suffers very much. To remove the mask, it must be slightly steamed using warm water. In this case, gelatin will again go into a liquid state and can be easily washed off with water. It is even better to use contrast washing, using hot or cold water.

Recipes of gelatin masks

Now we give specific recipes for masks that are easy to cook at home. The effect of gelatin in them is enhanced by additional ingredients. Select the mask depending on the desired effect and type of skin.
All cums recipes are made on a gelatin basis. To prepare gelatin, you need to mix with two tablespoons of cold water and leave for a few minutes so that it is swollen. Then heat using a water bath or microwave so that the gelatin becomes liquid. To this basis, additional ingredients can be added.

Milk and cream

Thanks to dairy products, such a mask moisturizes and additionally nourishes the skin, suitable for any age, is especially well struggling with the first signs of aging. For preparation, add a tablespoon of milk or cream to the base. For additional power, you can add a tablespoon of honey or butter. Also, this recipe can be noticeably simplified if there is no time or effort, just melt gelatin in a tablespoon of warm milk - and the mask is ready!

Mask with glycerin

It moisturizes and pulls the skin very well, makes it elastic, completely smoothes shallow wrinkles. For preparation to base, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of glycerol and whipped protein of one egg.

Mask with a lifting effect

To achieve an elevator effect, gelatin is used in conjunction with a fruit or berry base. Basic recipe: gelatin base and 1 tbsp. a spoon of pulp a banana. Apply for 25-30 minutes. This mask is suitable for anyone, but for different types of skin it can be changed. For dry skin, banana can be replaced with mandarin, gooseberries or persimmon, for oily - with cranberries, raspberries, strawberries or a pear, for normal - on orange, kiwi or grapes.

Tonic mask with cucumber

In addition to exposure to age factors, it improves and aligns the complexion. In a cooled gelatin mixture, add the juice of one cucumber. It can be squeezed in a juicer or just grate the cucumber and squeeze the juice through gauze.

Vitamin mask

It has a pronounced anti -aging effect, fights with all signs of aging, promotes the regeneration process. Add 5 drops of vitamin A and E (sold in a pharmacy) to the melted gelatin and 1 tsp. Aloe juice and peach oil. This recipe is especially valuable for women after 30 years.

We advise you not to neglect the recipes given, because the result is visible after the first application. Do not be lazy and make masks several times a week, the result will be an excellent appearance, healthy skin, excellent mood and self -confidence!

Comments leave a comment
Mira 07/07/2019 at 11:31

I tried such masks, very good. But alone they are not enough, in any case. I still use on a regular basis a laure of Edelweiss Helps to smooth out the skin and get rid of wrinkles))+Of course, I try to follow the sleep mode, I adhere to the proper nutrition ..., when the Complex approach is not forced to wait for myself)) All compliments do me, that I look very good)


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