The dandelion is not easy and unpretentious wildlife, it is universally growing under our legs, this is a medicine, the values \u200b\u200bof which many people do not even know. Do you know that from this modest sunny flower can be prepared delicious and healing culinary dishes? In our article, we will learn how to prepare jam from dandelions, which has medical and useful properties.
The potential of the healing properties of the dandelion is hidden in its natural fullness of antioxidants and minerals, which have a healthy effect on all systems of the human body. The plant has rejuvenating, choleretic, expectorant, laxative, antipyretic, antispasmodic, improving metabolism and soothing effect. Milky dandelion juice is used as a tonic, and the green part of the plant may well compete with polyvitamin preparations from pharmacies. Dandelion is used both in traditional medicine (it makes tincture, extracts, decoctions, extracts) and in cooking. From any part of the plant you can cook a tasty and useful dish. The dried roots go to the production of coffee surrogate, young leaves - for the preparation of a variety of salads, and from the discontinued buds are written healing jam and make a pleasant wine.- Collect inflorescences away from polluted and dusty terrain. Remember that you are preparing a product for health.
- Collection of flowers spend in the early morning hours, after their full disclosure. At this time, the bud is maximally filled with useful substances.
- By typing the amount of inflorescences needed by the recipe, do not rush to prepare useful delicacy immediately, spread the flowers on a dry clean surface so that the "floral" inhabitants hurry to leave them.
- Finished jam do not hold in the dish (it is impossible to use iron or aluminum containers, the best option will be ceramic), in which it was cooked, shifting it into glass jars.
- Prepare plant flowers (take 400 pcs.), Thoroughly sorting them and cutting into the green part of the frozen (if you leave it, it will give the product a specific green color).
- Lay out buds in a colander, rinse them thoroughly under running water, leave there for the separation of extra moisture.
- Put the flowers in the dishes for cooking, fill 3 glasses of water and put on fire for boiling. To give a juicy colors jam to the tank of dandelions, you can add lemon (cutting it into small lobes), several cherry or mint leaves, raspberry juice, apricot, or any other fruit.
- After the mass boils, negotiate it for 10 minutes and leave in a dark cool place, tightly cover with a lid so that the syrup is made as much as possible with the useful substances. We recommend not to press the inflorescences after the first cooking.
- The next day, press the whole decoction through the gauze, pumped 7 cups of sugar into it, bring three times to a boil, fighting every time jams for 10 minutes. The finished jam should be thick consistency, externally resembling honey.
Take jam from dandelions in the morning, an empty stomach, soluble 1 tbsp. l. Product in the glass of water. With coldic diseases, use jam on 1 dessert spoon every 3 hours, drinking it with warm milk. Please note that dandelion has certain contraindications in use. Do not use it if they suffer from diseases of biliary tract and liver, gastritis, ulcerative disease.