What is useful cinnamon

What is useful cinnamon

In fact, cinnamon is the bark of the cinnamon, evergreen tree of the Lavrov family. Almost every hostess has cinnamon or her wand in the kitchen. She has a tart, sweetish aroma and is used mainly for baking, in dessert dishes and hot drinks. Very often, cinnamon is used in the chemical industry and perfumes, adding into toilet waters, soap, gels for the shower and shampoos.

But not everyone knows that besides a pleasant aroma, it is capable of giving a lot of useful substances. So, in ancient China kilogram, cinnamon was estimated at a kilogram of gold and only very rich people could afford this spice. Nowadays it is quite accessible and sold in almost every store. It is recommended to buy cinnamon exclusively in chopsticks, which guarantees it 100% naturalness without impurities, and pay attention to the country-producer.

Useful properties of cinnamy

Since ancient times, the healing properties of this spices were known and even now cinnamon is used in the treatment of many diseases. It is known that it is capable of effectively fighting cold and often add it to hot tea for prevention. Moreover, clean the nasal passages, get rid of the runny nose and even cough will help one tablespoon of cinnamon, added to a glass of warm milk. If you drink such milk three times a day, it is very soon to forget about any colds.

Few people know that cinnamon cope with the temperature and can be taken from severe headaches. Possessing also strong diuretic properties, it helps people suffering from kidney and liver diseases. In addition, the spice literally "kills" the pathoral microbes in the bladder, if regularly drinking water with the addition of cinnamon and a spoonful of honey. And any food becomes "easier" and fasterly digested, if before lunch you eat a teaspoon of cinnamon. In addition, it has the ability to heal ulcers in the stomach and fights cardiovascular problems.

Cinnamon for weight loss

In addition to the sweet aroma and numerous useful properties, cinnamon helps to find a slim body without much difficulty. Many women wonder: "What to eat to lose weight?". The answer is simple - eat cinnamon. Its benefit is, she knows how to qualitatively dull the feeling of hunger and at the same time reduce blood sugar levels. This quality contributes to burning fat deposits and blocks the deposition of new ones.

To feel the effect, a person is enough to eat in half a teaspoon of cinnamon. And it is very necessary to force yourself to have a dry powder if you can brew fragrant tea, coffee or just to make food with cinnamon. Accelerating metabolism, it is able to improve the metabolism in the body, as well as remove staggered slags and toxins. If drinking a glass of warm water with cinnamon and honey, you can achieve high-quality intestinal cleansing and slow, moderate weight loss.

Application of cinnamy

Fragrant spice use for:

  • cooking hot and cold drinks;
  • preparation of dietary dishes;
  • cosmetic procedures.

The most popular drinks are tea and coffee. If you add in them every day a quarter spoons of cinnamon you will notice that losing kilograms without any physical exertion. The most common cold drink is an apple cocktail. For his preparation, simply cut the apple very finely in a tall glass. Fill it with boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. When the apple breaks the juice, add a spoonful of cinnamon and a spoonful of honey. After that, in the glass, put ice. The drink will cool and will be an excellent tool to quench thirst on a hot day.

It is noted that cinnamon is capable of providing a useful effect both inside the body and on the skin. Therefore, cosmetic wraps are becoming increasingly popular. Some say that for one such wrap can be lost to one centimeter in volumes! The procedure is quite simple: apply anti-cellulite cream on the problem zone, suck cinnamon and wrap it with a food film. After that, you should look in the blanket and relax for an hour.

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