How to use cinnamon

How to use cinnamon

Impeccable spice is the literal meaning of the word "cinnamon" translated from Greek. Cinnamon was famous for its healing properties in many centuries BC. Now cinnamon is mainly used as a spice. But it has both other useful qualities for both beauty and benefits of the whole organism.

Cinnamon is used to combat the diseases of the stomach and intestines - unnecessary salts are derived from the body, worsening his work. Cinnamon is used after suffering severe diseases. It is used in the fight against cancerous diseases, diabetes, arthritis, to reduce pressure, prevention of the formation of thromboms. Cinnamon improves blood circulation, speeds up recovery after strokes and helps with ischemic heart disease.

Cinnamon bath is good for the prevention and treatment of colds. A consumption of 1 tbsp. Warm honey with the addition of 1/4 h. L cinnamon will help to clean the nasal sinuses and get rid of cough. Cinnamon also has diuretic and antipyretic properties.

With the help of cinnamon, you can get rid of acne in a two-week period. To do this, it takes every night to impose a mixture of 3 tbsp. Honey and 1 tsp. Cinnamon. Rinse the oral cavity with warm water with honey and cinnamon helps to eliminate the unpleasant smell of mouth.

The ointment of cinnamon is healing ulcers and wounds, relieve inflammation.

Cinnamon is an excellent antidepressant. Thanks to it, the memory is improved, the nervous voltage is removed, the work of the brain is stimulated.

Cinnamon helps to get rid of mosquitoes. It is used to treat snake bites and in poisoning to poisonous plants.

This spice is known for its properties to give the body the vitality and tone. With cinnamon you can lose weight, while not harming the body. To do this, it must be added to porridge, cottage cheese, coffee, tea, etc.

Cinnamon hair masks are an excellent folk remedy for their beauty.

So that in the store does not buy a fake cinnamon, it is best to choose cinnamon sticks and at home to smoke them yourself. Cinnamon is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, people with intolerance to this spice. Excessive use of cinnamon can cause increased heartbeat and excessive excitability.

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