Wood hair comb, how to use

Wood hair comb, how to use

In order for the hair always remaining beautiful and neat, they need daily combing. Specialists have proven that the choice of combat plays an important role not only for the appearance of hair, but also for their health. The optimal choice is a wooden comb, because only it is completely natural and safe.

Benefits of wood comb

Wooden comb brings tremendous hair and has a number of benefits:

  • Such solvents are suitable for all types of hair: from thin and brittle to thick and thick. They actually act on any hair, not breaking and not injuring hair. Also, they can be used for hair of any length.
  • A tree is a natural material that cannot harm the hair, while combat leaves can damage the hair structure, with time, leading to fragility and cross section.
  • The comb out of wood affects not only hair, but also on the scalp. It is a good massager, improves blood circulation, removes tension and promotes hair growth.
  • Wooden combat combination procedure and aromatherapy, because the natural tree has a pleasant smell.
  • Static electricity is removed more combed and enhance the effect of masks and hair balms.

How to use a wooden comb

During the use of combless wood, it is necessary to remember some of the rules:

  • Combing the hair with individual strands, and not the whole head immediately - it will help the hair to avoid microtrav.
  • When combing, make short smooth movements.
  • Long hair is combed from the bottom up, and short - from top to bottom.
  • Start the procedure from the crown, and end the hair that is located in the forehead.
  • It is better to avoid combing wet hair, but if necessary, choose a comb with rare teeth.
  • Wash the entire procedure from five to seven minutes if you have medium length or long hair, for short hair is enough for three to four minutes.
  • If, during combing, the hair is strongly electrified, give preference to breakdowns from oak, and before combing, gently shake the hair with warm water.

Observe these simple recommendations, and hair combing will become a very pleasant relaxing procedure, which will bring great benefits and hair, and health. It is better to do this in a relaxed state, for example, before bedtime, combining combing with a scalp massage with circular movements of the comb. Such actions perfectly remove stress and fatigue accumulated per day.

Tree Care

It is worth remembering that the wooden combat requires a little more thorough care:

  • Do not store wooden combs on the outdoor sunlight and near instruments that can be heated. Under the action of temperature, the comb can give a crack to which hair will then fall.
  • One or twice a week wash the comb warm water with soap, and then immediately wipe it with a soft towel. One of the important functions of combs is the removal of dirt and dust from the hair, as well as the distribution of the skin along the entire length of the hair. Combus from the tree is stronger absorbed pollution and skin secret, so they need to wash them more often.
  • Avoid long-term contact with water with water so that it is not deformed.
  • Once every six months completely change the comb.

Choosing a wooden race

The most important selection criterion is the lack of a coating of varnish. Combs treated with any varnishes completely lose their healing properties, so there is no meaning to use them. Otherwise, you can choose a comb in line with design and personal preferences. Currently, rolled out of various wood species: ash, birch, sandal and juniper. Turn and feel the fragrance of the tree before buying to choose a comb that will delight every day.

Proper use of wooden combs is a huge contribution to your health and beauty. With such a comb, daily hygienic ritual can be turned into a pleasant relaxing procedure that will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and makes hair healthy, shiny and attracting attention.

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