What Celery is useful

What Celery is useful

Celery is a grassy vegetable culture of an umbrella family. Outwardly, it looks like a parsley. Stems and root food are used in food. Initially, the plant was used for medical purposes, and then, starting from the XVII century, and in cooking. It is impossible to overestimate the health of celery for human health.

Celery increases immunity. This is a real storage room substance:

  1. Vitamins of groups C, B, E, K, A, PP.
  2. Microelements such as: iron, acid - folic, glutamy, nicotine, essential oils, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium.

Restoration of the nervous system. The use of vegetation reduces the concentration of the stress hormone, reduces psycho-emotional load, has a positive effect on the sleep process. It is indispensable with such diagnoses as chronic fatigue and migraine.

Celery normalizes the work of the digestive system and the metabolism, activates the production of gastric juice due to the presence of essential oil. The leaves of the root plant do not allow developing putthous processes in the intestine. If you suffer from ulcerative disease or gastritis, eat celery. So naturally, painful sensations will be reduced and inflammatory processes are localized.

Easy vegetable is popular in dietary nutrition. For its digestion by the body spends calories more than it contains. A diuretic action is also confirmed by nutritional.

It is known that the plants have a male hormone androsterone. It not only increases sexual attraction, but also acts as a pheromone when highlighting, along with then men. Also celery treats the disease of the urogenital system and childbearing organs. It is the prevention of prostatitis.

High content in the root of phthalides, potassium and magnesium helps to fight high arterial pressure, has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, vessels and skeletal muscles.

Celery and its seeds are used in cosmetology, perfumery and pharmaceuticals.

Scientists have proven that the apigenin contained in the plant localizes and reduces the size of the breast cancer tumors in women. In particular, if the disease is associated with hormonal replacement therapy.

In cooking, the stems and cornery celery are boiled, baked, eating raw, add to salads and soups. It is not recommended to eat celery and products from it pregnant and nursing women. It can harm the child.

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