How to determine the rhesus factor

How to determine the rhesus factor

Its group of blood and a rhesus factor, as a rule, will be recognized only during health problems. And such important information about yourself and about your loved ones should know by heart. After all, it is possible to improve well-being, following the nutrition guidelines, which are based on information about the blood group.

The blood group is the presence or absence of antigens on the surface of the red blood cells. It differs in chemical composition, according to the composition of antigens and antibodies, proteins and carbohydrates. Of the thirty known blood groups, the main system AB0 and the RH system.

According to the system of AV0 (read as a, B and zero), the blood is separated into four groups, is denoted as 0 (i), A (II), in (III), AB (IV), respectively. Scientists believe that the composition of the blood is due to nutrition and migrations of our ancestors. At the beginning of mankind there was only the only one, the first group of blood. Due to the use of vegetable food, the blood changed its composition, so the second group appeared. The third group is the migration of the race, in this case, African from its continent. The fourth is a consequence of mixing previous groups. The factor is also important.

The rhesus factor is a protein on the surface of the red blood cells (red blood cells). If there are RH on red blood cells (RH - Rh. In the blood of 85% of people on the erythrocytes there is a rhesv factor and, accordingly, they are rhesus-positive. The remaining 15% is rhesus-negative. The rhesus factor is indicated as "RH +" (positive) or "Rh -" (negative). The rhesus is not distributed through the AU0 system, does not depend on the body, does not change throughout life. RH appears at an early stage of fetal development in the maternal womb.

"RH -" harm to human health does not bring. There are the following methods for determining the results of status:

  • Conglutinatia method on Petri dishes;
  • Express method;
  • Gelatin express method.

Usually you need a drop of blood - and the result is ready the next day. Before determining the group and the resulting factor, the following rules are required:

  • Analysis make on an empty stomach (but you can drink water);
  • The last meal must be more than 8 hours ago;
  • Doctors do not recommend making analysis when receiving any medicines;
  • Before the procedure should be abandoned by unhealthy food and alcohol;
  • It is advisable to take the analysis, pre-not much loading the body.

A simple test, how to determine the rhesus factor, can be carried out at home. For this you do not need to contact the hospital and donate blood. Remember the school lessons of biology. If there is medical data of your parents, install your Rhzos factor elementary.

Your parents "RH +" (or one of the parents has two dominant RR genes), then you have 100% Rh +. Without two dominant genes, RR is the possibility of rhesus plus drops to 25%. With a negative reserves, your parents have "RH -". If one of the parents are rezes-negative, and the other rhesus is positive, then the reserves of the child is 50% by 50%.

A couple who decided to give birth to a child, the first thing should consult a doctor. According to the material given above, you already know that Plus and minus will give the baby one of two opposite rezes. In this case, if the fetus will get the Father's Rh, that is, the return mothers, a rhesus conflict may occur. The body of a pregnant woman will perceive the fruit as a foreign body and starts to produce protective antibodies, which will harm the child.

To prevent this, you need to refer to doctors that will control the amount of antibodies. If you do not know your blood group and ray factor, there is a free and noble way to help rectify the situation. You can become a donor. Doctors that take shelter for donors determine the group and blood rhesus. Ask them about it easy.

For donation you need to know:

  • To pass the blood, you need to feel well and not have contraindications from the doctor;
  • Your age should be from 18 to 60 years, weight of more than 50 kg;
  • On the eve of donation, be sure to have dinner (but do not use fat, smoked, acute and dairy food, contraindicated alcohol);
  • Before and after the procedure smoke is allowed;
  • Breakfast should be easy, scheduled day is physically not loaded.

Determination of the reserves of the factor and blood group is mandatory not only for donors and patients. This is vital information for each person. It is possible that one day it will save you life.

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