How to learn meditate

How to learn meditate

In a saturated rhythm of life, meditation is a great useful way to relax the soul and body. The task during the process is to turn off the consciousness, the infinite stream of thoughts. Sometimes meditation even compare with the state of sleep. So much creates the feeling that a person is renounced from the world. At first glance, it seems this matter is not simple, but the correct preparation will help you learn to "disconnect" from our reality.

Prepare in advance the territory. Choose music that is pleasant to your hearing. Yoga goes to Nirvana under Tibetan or Buddhist mantras. If such a melody is unusted, the sounds of nature are suitable. It is not forbidden to meditate in silence, music is only an assistant to relax. Carry out and remove the room, it is desirable to choose a place in pastel colors so that attention does not dissipate. In the summer at the weekend, try to go to nature. Esoteric places are ideal for meditation, such as arcaim in the Urals.

An hour before and after do not eat food, she "scores" energy centers. In yogic knowledge it is said that it is better time for classes - this is earlier morning in the interval between 4 and 6 hours. Sit down towards the East. It is advisable to spread the rug and take the floor. The newcomer is hard to sit still for a long time, so find the place with a backpacker. Allowed to meditate sitting on a chair. No matter how you sat down, keep your back straight. It is not allowed during a session to lie, because Great probability to fall asleep.

Turn off your mobile phone and ask your relatives not to disturb, let it be your precious time. Start practicing half an hour, gradually increasing time up to several hours. Try to systematize classes, let them pass every day at the same time. Close your eyes and "eat" in your body. Relax each particle of your body, starting from the fingers on the legs and ending with the hair on the head. Present mentally how they relax.

During meditation, try to focus:

  • Breathing. If the thought is inclined, then let it be present, do not be nervous because of this. Be a third-party observer, the main thing is not to analyze and do not evaluate. Do not control the breath. Breathe slowly, exhalations are longer than breathing.
  • On the subject. Imagine a fireball, feel warm. Feel yourself beyond the borders of your body, beyond the borders of the room, city and planet as a whole.

Sit down without movement, but if you feel tingling in some part of the body, rightfully go. Slowly leave the state of meditation, feel your body. If you fail to practice, contact a specialist for help. Find yourself a spiritual mentor or visit meditation technology seminars, they are usually carried out in yoga studios.

Do not despair, if after the first attempts you will not feel anything. It is important to be patient and stubborn here. Over time, you will definitely work out.

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