How to sit on the twine

How to sit on the twine

Sit on the twine is to achieve perfect stretching. Every day you give classes for 20-30 minutes, and after two weeks you will feel change in your body. It is very important to do exercises regularly and without breaks - so you will fasten the result from day to day.

What are the twine are

Regardless of the floor and age, each person has a different degree of physical training, and that is why it is impossible to determine the clear deadlines to achieve perfect stretching for twine. Someone will need two months for this, and someone will have enough two weeks. Distinguish two types of twine:

  • A longitudinal, which can be with the right and left legs.
  • Transverse.

For those who have no physical preparation, the most acceptable option is a longitudinal twine. Depending on the individual characteristics, one persons are more convenient to develop a longitudinal twine with the right leg, and the other with the left. The transverse split turns out of anyone, even after long years of training, and if you want to sit on the transverse sword - set up a job.

Heat muscles before exercise

The best time for classes is the evening. Before proceeding with the training, it is necessary to make a workout. Stretching without heating - and you simply risk breaking ligaments during class. As a warm-up, a sequence of any rhythmic movements, jogging or such manipulations can be served:

  • Position sitting: ride from foot on foot.
  • Ordinary squats.
  • Rope.
  • Fucks in the side, back and forth.
  • Running on the spot with highly raised knees.
  • Mahi legs, holding a support. We make mugs forward, back and in the side with a flat back, which smoothly go into stretching exercises.

Preparation for stretching

It should be stretched slowly by controlling muscle tensions. Avoid sharp movements, especially if pain is present. Everyday action plan for performing twine is divided into two parts:

  • Main part: active rhythmic movements.
  • Additional: consolidation of the result. Divorced legs are fixed in some position for 15-20 minutes with gradually increasing load to easy sensation of pain.

Proper exercise for stretching

It should be stretched very slowly, concentrating on the muscles. You must be most relaxed. It is forbidden to perform exercises with jerks, all movements are made to a sense of moderate tension. In a fixed position, pain or muscular voltage should in no case be increasing - follow it. Over time, stretching will be made everything easier and easier if you do everything correctly. Basic rules Stretching:

  • Direct spin with any movements.
  • During classes, follow the load on the muscles.
  • Legs are always totdy to the end.

Training to perform twine

It is recommended to carry out the main part of classes on the principle of the growing load: to sit on the twine without support under the influence of the gravity of the body, giving muscles to stretch gradually. Has a good effect series of such televitations:

  • Start straight, lean forward: the back is straight, palms touch the floor. Over time, when you fully put your hands on the floor in this position, try to reach the floor already with your elbows.
  • In position sitting on the floor, bend your legs and connect the feet together. Put on your knees, striving for the floor. Perform spring movements.
  • Fucks - squats: Front leg bent, rear - straightened. The support leg is completely on the floor, not swing on the socks. Sit down as deep as possible.
  • Rolls in the sitting position: slowly from side to the side, perform rollers, pulling hands forward. The pelvis at the same time should move in a straight line.
  • Arrange your legs on the maximum width in the sitting position, straighten your back, lean to the floor, clasping ankle.
  • Put your legs on the width of the shoulders, remove the socks out, squat as deep with a straight back, while maintaining the balance.
  • All exercises hold in one position at least half a minute.


It is not recommended to practice stretching without prior consultation with a doctor if there are health problems:

  • Omission of the uterus;
  • Damage to the inguinal ligaments and popliteal tendons;
  • Spinal injuries;
  • Inflammation in the joints.

Stretching - the process is gradual. Every day, slowly increase the load on the muscles. Proper exercise does not cause painful feelings in the lower back or joints - remember it.

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