How to quickly sit on the twine

How to quickly sit on the twine

Many girls and young men dream to sit on the twine. Someone this exercise turns out easier and faster, and someone to fulfill it, you will need more time and effort. Whatever it was - to master the twine for almost everyone, regardless of gender, age and weight. The only exception is if you have contraindications, for example, diseases of the joints or muscle injuries. So let's get up!

To quickly learn to sit on the twine, it is necessary to regularly exercise stretching. However, you should not forget that any training session should be started with a 15-minute warm-up for muscle heating. For this purpose, exercises are great, like running, mahi legs, jumps on a rope or squats.

When the muscles are breaking enough, you can proceed to their stretching. The first exercise is performed in the L-shaped position, sitting on the floor with a smooth back and stretched forward, closed legs. Slowly lean forward and try to reach your hands to the fingers. Secure this position for 25 seconds and exhale.


One of the easiest exercises that can be performed several times a day is called "Butterfly". Sit on the floor so that your feet are closed, and the knees are divorced to the sides. Doing higs, try to touch the floor knees. You can help the muscles stronger at the same time.

To perform the next exercise, sit on the floor and dig legs to the sides as wide as possible. Now alternately tilt to the right foot, then in the center in front of yourself and to the left foot. Fix each slope for 20-30 seconds.

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The following exercise is performed from the standing position. Be exactly smoothly, closer legs and take tilts forward, trying to "be in half" and touch the hands of the feet. Each slope is fixed for 20-30 seconds.

Bend the left leg in the knee, and pull the right leg to the side. Carefully quit and pull for a minute, after which change your feet and continue stretching.

Pump the right leg on the back of the chair (or any other support) and make 15 deep squats. Change your leg and continue the exercise.

Each of the proposed exercises must be repeated 15-20 times. Do not forget to give training at least 40 minutes a day, and in a month of stubborn classes, try to sit on the twine. You need to sit gradually, applying equal efforts to the left and right legs. If the twine did not work - do not despair! Do not stop doing stretching, and you will definitely achieve the desired result.

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