Bodyflex for beginners

Bodyflex for beginners

Active heavy athletic training for various reasons are not suitable for everyone who wishes to lose weight or adjust the figure. If earlier a person is not engaged in any sport, has a medical contraindication to severe stress, age limits or simply do not wish to engage in mobile training, you can try to study a new trend in the fitness industry - breathing exercises Bodyflex.

Body flex - a set of simple exercises aimed at problem areas. But the most important thing in the classroom - the breath of the diaphragm. Correctly performed, it saturates the body with oxygen, which accelerates metabolism. Holding your breath leads to the production of adrenaline, which helps burn fat. And perform simple physical exercises aimed at certain problem area of \u200b\u200bthe body, forcing the body to burn body fat is in the required field. Exercises should be performed daily for 15 minutes. Due to the regularity and frequency of loads is achieved the desired effect.

Regular classes Bodyflex:

  • help in the fight against obesity;
  • tighten the muscles of the neck and face;
  • improve heart function;
  • establishing digestion;
  • strengthen muscles;
  • help in the fight against smoking;
  • relieve migraine;
  • improve joint mobility;
  • enhance immunity and harden the body;
  • raise the tone and mood.

But, like any sporting direction Bodyflex has a number of contraindications, the presence of which can harm health:

  • blood pressure drops;
  • bleeding (including menstrual);
  • labored breathing;
  • heart disease;
  • hernia;
  • thyroid problems;
  • fever;
  • post-operative state;
  • pregnancy.

The principle of operation lies in the unusual Bodyflex breathing diaphragm:

  • From a standing position bend forward and lean his hands on his knees, back straight. Smoothly, without delay, to exhale all the air through the tubular serried lips.
  • I straighten up a bit and tightly closer to the lips, you need to inhale the maximum air volume with your nose.
  • Quickly lean at its original position and cut down the back, dramatically exhale all the air, uttering "ha".
  • Draw your breath and maximize the stomach.
  • Fully straightened, make a calm simple breath.

Exercises are convenient in an elastic costume, barefoot. Before each exercise it is necessary to perform a breathing complex, then delay the breath and pull the maximum stomach. Keep positions need up to 8 bills. Exercises Bodiflex:

  • "A lion". From the position standing, leaning on his knees with his hands, raise the look as much as possible, we put the lips with the tube, the top is trying to pull down down and stick the tongue as much as possible.
  • "Cat". Position: on all fours. Lower the head down, pull the back as much as possible up.
  • "Press". Position: lying, bent the knees, resting his legs into the floor. Straight hands stretched up. Smoothly raise the shoulders and the chest up, as if "growing", without bringing to a straight angle.
  • "Grimace". Position: Standing on the cropped legs, leaning on his knees. Put the lower jaw forward, lips with a tube, lift your head up and pull the neck.
  • "Stretching the sides." Left Knee bend, another leg stretched out, the feet are tightly pressed to the floor. Right straight hand pull over the ear, leaning towards the bent knee.
  • "Foot pulling". From the standpoint "On all fours" one leg, straighten and raise the maximum, the sock is directed to myself, buttocks are clamped.
  • "Scissors". From the position lying, press tightly lower back to the floor, put your hands under the buttocks. We raise the legs by 10 cm from the floor and perform quick wide mahs for 8 seconds.
  • "Diamond". Standing hands to connect in front of her fingertips. Elbows horizontally floor, round up. Make maximum pressure on fingertips.

Bodiflex classes will benefit great health, corrected the figure and will deliver a lot of pleasure to people of various ages, temperaments and interests.

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