How to make a craving

How to make a craving

Ranan traction occupies a place in the list of the most efficient power exercises for the development of about 80% of the muscles of the body of a person. This exercise, depending on the correctness of the execution, gives rise to a large muscle mass, and it requires sufficient body flexibility. The exercise can carry a certain risk, because it involves many joints and requires during the fulfillment of strong muscles of the legs, buttocks and especially the back. The larger the weight of the rod, the better the body should be subject to the best. Newbie can not work with a lot of weight, as it has low strengths, and simply is injured. The most frequent complaints from novice athletes after power traction are back pain and lower back.

How to make a drawing craving - preparation

Before approaching the performance of the power exercise, you need to make a shared workout. In the future, it will help to achieve a qualitative fulfillment of the task. Heating muscle groups and joints prevents organism from injuries, stretching, prepares a person in psychological plan to obtain stronger loads.

How to perform a craving

  • It will take empty neck. This weight newcomer will be enough to work.
  • Feet become a little already than the width of the shoulders. The knees are always a little bend.
  • The torso goes down, while the shoulders go parallel to the footsteps. The pelvis is appropriate again.
  • The head along with the back holds on the same level.
  • Hands fall on the neck on both sides of the hips. The neck is captured by hands, the level of the back and head does not change when capturing and lifting. The correct rack is obtained when the hand is not bended in this position, they are not discharged, fall on the neck freely.
  • Feet gradually straighten up, the vulture holds on straight hands. The blades are booked back.
  • Having achieved the top point occurs the strongest voltage.
  • Then goes down, the legs are bend, the neck moves along the feet, the pelvis is given back, the neck falls on the floor.

How to make a craving - errors exercise

  • Range traction does not tolerate rounded back, or any deflection in this area. The back and lower back are getting a large load running from the weight of the rod. If the head looks forward, then the back will straighten with this situation.
  • Foots need to put evenly and on a small distance from each other. So that one stop could fit between them. Behind its rack must be monitored, evenly distribute the incoming load. Heels from the floor can not waste.
  • The knee cups cannot speak for socks. Otherwise, the threat of long-term injury appears. If the feet are trembling, you should take a break for relaxation or reduce the load.
  • Special attention is required to pay the grip of the rod. Often, bodybuilders use gifts. This is a special position of the hands, in which the fingers of one hands look up, and the other is deployed to the floor. With this embodiment of the rod, the hands should be alternating. Fingers lay on the neck parallel to the shoulders (on both sides of the thighs). You can also start classic and reverse grip using straps (for support).
  • When performing this force exercise, there should be no uncontrollable and sharp movements. It is dangerous to assume that the sharp catching weight of the rod helps something. On the contrary, the percentage of painful sprains in the spine increases.

Difficult, but feasible

The safest option for those who want to start with heavy weight is a month of workout without weight. After some time, it will be possible to gradually increase the load on the already fortified muscles. People with problem spins (scoliosis) are not recommended to take such tasks without going through the course adjustment.
Range traction is an exercise that gives the necessary strength and muscle volume. Develops the unique reliefs of the bodybuilder body muscles. It should be remembered that it is impossible to rush in the gym. And to achieve results, you need to deal with certain difficulties.

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Julia 21/10/2021 at 14:18

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