As a girl to pump press cubes

As a girl to pump press cubes

Press cubes have ceased to be an exclusively male attribute - many fine-sex representatives gladly decorate their tumors with beautiful relief. Nature has created women in a special way - the subcutaneous fat layer is thicker, and the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are weaker than in men. Therefore, in order to pump up the press by cubes, girls need to comply with a number of recommendations for training and nutrition.

Adjust meals. Even the most inflated press will be imparable under the layer of subcutaneous fat. Beautiful sexes wishing to decorate their body with a relief press, worth sticking to a strict diet. It is necessary not easy to exclude sweets from the diet, fried and fatty food and bakery products, but also limit the consumption of simple carbohydrates contained in sweet fruits, carbonated drinks and beer, some milk and dairy products. It is necessary to often and gradually - this will help "promote metabolism" and burn the accumulated fat faster.

Let's load on all abdominal muscles. You need to download not only the upper press, but also the bottom, special attention should be paid to the pumping muscles. Quite effective are the simplest exercises - lifting the body from the position lying for the upper press, lifting legs - for the lower, diagonal twisting - for oblique muscles.

Observe a certain frequency of training. There is an erroneous opinion that the press is needed every day. In fact, between classes it is worth a break to give muscles to relax and recover after load. The optimal frequency of workouts in this case is every other day. The number of repetitions of any exercise for the press also should not be too large, it is better to divide them into several approaches. For example, 10-15 repetitions of 2-3 approaches will be more efficient than 50 repetitions per 1 time.

Gradually increase the number of repetitions. Excessive fanaticism here only hurts - you should not add 10 repetitions every day, otherwise, instead of a beautiful press, you will get an abdominal crepara and pain in the spine. It is enough to increase the number of repetitions for 5 every 1.5-2 weeks.

Choose the right place for training. It is not necessary to visit the gym or fitness club - it is quite possible to organize a place for sports at home. One simple rule should be remembered - when performing exercises to the press, the back should be straight, not to fake. It is advisable to swing the press on the floor, climbing the rug for yoga or karent.

Creating a noticeable muscular relief - hard work for girls. However, the result is worth all the efforts spent - the press cubes adorns the female body, makes it visually more tightened and slim. The owner of such a press can rightly be proud of not only the perfect figure, but also persistence and power of will.

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Mine 13/09/2018 at 13:47.

Yes, ordinary exercises can be noticed .. the service is important with a deficit, which is first. Well, additives, of course, because with stamina on a shortage of the problem (in this, IT Sportsperspert BCAA ++ helps and coffee) ... And so-all in your hands, there will be a low percentage of fat, there will be cubes))

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