How to learn how to make flip

How to learn how to make flip

Learning to make a flip - the task is not simple. This requires good physical training and a number of workout. But for those who are determined, you can speed up the process and tune in to win.

How to learn how to make a flip forward

How to make flip:

  • You need to become on a flat surface, legs on the width of the shoulders. First on the floor learn to make a "spring".
  • Relieve yourself from the floor not socks, but heels - try to make the biggest jump on a decent distance.
  • When you master this exercise, you can go to the most important thing.
  • You need to train constantly, you can also jump half an hour a day on the rope to strengthen the muscles of the legs.
  • Take care in advance about what surface you will land, because it is difficult to land the first time to foot. In order to not harm yourself, we recommend getting a soft rug or train in the gymnastic hall on special mats.
  • It is also important to learn how to group themselves - sharply pushed the heels from the floor, now we need to work out in the pose of the embryo - to click on yourself the head, argue your hands on your chest, footprint.
  • A few seconds in the jump are assigned to the group: pushed-grouped-housing tilted forward-revolutions-unbridled-got to your feet. You need to land on socks!
  • Here is such a simple algorithm of your actions. Care and you will definitely work out!

How to learn how to make flip - training with an assistant

The idea, learn how to make flip - good, just need to understand that it is very dangerous, so it is desirable to invite an assistant to the newcomer for the beginner. If after stubborn workouts it turned out to do the frontal fuel, then you can master and more complex gymnastics - learn to make a flip back. Physical training is excellent, concepts, how to grieve - there are, how to repel and on which height is all already familiar.

Learning to make a flip with an assistant:

  • workout and jumping in place. Workout with a rope. You need to learn how to jump high and very quickly. The head should be smooth at each jump, and the jump itself is strictly vertically, the housing back does not deviate;
  • kuvoke forward-back. It is important to teach the vestibular apparatus to the fact that it is necessary to group and move the hull not only forward, but also back. Thus, the body is prepared for the execution of the front and rear flip. And the battlements are best to start doing something soft, for example on the bed or on a soft mattress on the floor;
  • learn to exercise "Bridge" from the position standing on the floor;
  • now, when these exercises were mastered, you can start trying to make a turn forward or back. If you want to learn how to make a flip back, then ask your friends to protect you;
  • how to make a flip with assistants: one friend becomes on the one hand, the second - on the other hand. Both friends put one hand on the lower back, the second - under the thigh. It is necessary in order to help you turn over correctly;
  • you need to jump, your friends will help you deviate back, you just need hands to raise up above your head;
  • now you need to trust friends - and they, in turn, will make the transfer of your legs through the head. Thus, you gradually get used to the new position (head down) and new movements;
  • after you work well the movement back with your assistants, you can gradually try to make some movement yourself. For example, repel your feet, help himself roll over without hands. Let the first time the friends will be improved.

Novice tips or how to learn to do flip

This recommendations will help to quickly master the complex gymnastic trick:

  • try to focus on one subject. In no case can not be viewed in the floor. Eyes during the jump do not close;
  • in order not to lose the balance, the head holds straight, and the look focuses and cannot be distracted on the sides;
  • main stand: legs on the width of shoulders, back straight, hands straight over your head;
  • ideal if your assistant is a person with excellent physical fitness and knowing how to do flip;
  • surface for the jump: Soft - it can be a trampoline. Then the easiest way to control the force of a push;
  • on the tight surface: asphalt, concrete slab learning to make a flip prohibited;
  • slightly sat down - the legs are a bit bent in the knees - push from the floor, jump up the body of the body moves back;
  • you need to jump exactly up, not back, so as not to lose the center of gravity. This is the main mistake of many newbies;
  • you need to land all the foot, the legs in the knees are semi-bent.

It is important

Think that you are more important - your own health or any way to learn how to make flip.


  • At the place where you exercise, there should be no interference. Places should be enough for a good jump and cramming with your hands.
  • Flip back need to learn to do necessarily with assistants. And never - himself. So you can injure your back and cervical vertebrae.
  • If you want to make a flip from a springboard, then you need to become the very edge, so that during the jump does not hook a head board.
  • In order to learn this exercise, you need to work out such simple gymnastic elements like a knitting back, bridge, wheel and side coup.

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