How to score body weight thin guy

How to score body weight thin guy

Everywhere glossy magazines, movies, games dictate our beauty standards to which we are accustomed and perceive them as due. Standards of male beauty - a strong guy with large embossed muscles. But in fact, people look different, without a single template. And the fact that, despite the persistent workouts and restrictions in food, achieve an ideal figure, but it does not work, completely normal. "Nature is not given." Nevertheless, it is possible to overcome this notorious "nature".

Telecommunication features

Scientists allocated three somatotype, in a simple way - the types of physique. The ratio of muscles and fat depends on them, consequently, appearance. Based on the type of physique, you need to select the type of food and training to achieve maximum results and the desired figure.

Consider only one of them - ectomorphs. If you have a thin body and fast metabolism (eat a lot, but there are no extra centimeters) - you can safely consider yourself a representative of this type of physique. Other features are long limbs, lack of muscle and adipose tissue.

Selection of training

Minus Ektomorph - Muscular Mass is absorbed very slowly, no matter how they were killed in training. Therefore, you do not need to be killed. Due to the fact that the glycogen in the muscles accumulates for a long time, is very quickly tired and restored for a long time. It should be reduced by its strength training up to 45 minutes and almost completely eliminate the cardio-training, because they accelerate the metabolism, and it is still fast.

Train 2-3 times a week, one training is one muscle group. Training can be distributed approximately by this plan:

  • monday - Breast Exercises and Biceps
  • wednesday - Legs and shoulders
  • friday - Triceps, Back

Most of the workout, pay the basic exercises (exercises with a barbell or dumbbells). They load most of the muscles because of what the muscular mass is occurring.

Muscle growth

The most difficult thing is me, it is it that forms the body of an ectomorph, and not a workout. One of the advantages of this physique is a quick metabolism. Extractorph can eat pizza, cakes and other gastronomic joys around the clock without visible changes in the figure. But also the nutrition of muscles does not contribute to.

It is necessary to increase the amount of food up to 4-6 meals on day. It does not need to focus on proteins, and use predominantly fats or carbohydrates. Again, not dumplings in principle with ice cream, but slow carbohydrates - cereal and vegetables. In addition, without an experiment, it is not understood that it is better and optimal - fats or carbohydrates. Try to give preference to carbohydrates, if after a while you will not follow visible changes - go to fat.

Other features

With such a type of physique, all sorts of stress should avoid. When you are nervous - cortisol is actively produced. It destroys the fibers, including muscular. For the same reason, you will have to forget about sleepless nights at parties or work.

Another advice is to follow progress. Get a training diary and describe your workouts or time from time to time. The muscles will grow very slowly and may seem that the result is absolutely no, although in fact it is not so.

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Mayan 08/11/2018 at 17:24

I would recommend all the same not to neglect sporting additives ... The same heiner helps to dial weight very well. Yes, and the SportExpert amino acid also contributes to the growth of the muscles ... For some reason, many of this forget about it and are baked buckwheat with breasts, this is the root of the wrong approach.

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