How to start running right

How to start running right

"Tomorrow I will start running," many people make a decision. We offer you simple ways how to get pleasure and joy from morning and evening jogs!

How to start correctly run - harm or benefit

Back in ancient times, people discovered that the run had a healing effect on the whole body as a whole. During jogging, you take a lot of wellness procedures:

  • Excellent cardiovascular system - the cardiovascular system is strengthened, the blood circulation is improved, which is excellent prevention from heart attacks and strokes.
  • Fitness - During the jogging, you have breathing, at that moment there is a splitting of fats and carbohydrates, extra calories are burned.
  • Classes running helps to get rid of stress. During the workout, a hormone of happiness is produced, which raises your mood and charges positive for the whole day.
  • Peeling - physical activity contributes to the normalization of the hormonal background and a decrease in fatty deposits. Thanks to which the dermis dermis cells are updated, the skin becomes touched and elastic.
  • Cleansing the body - accelerated blood circulation enhances metabolic processes, which contributes to the removal of accumulated toxins and other harmful substances in the body.

How to start running - recommendations for beginners

For workouts, get in free comfortable clothes, shoes should be comfortable, preferably sports.

  • Warming up - many neglect this activity, referring to a shortage of time, as a result - the unprepared body is quickly tired, and we throw classes, considering that this feat is not for us. All athletes begin their running with a light 10 minute warm-up - jumping, rotation by housing, pulling.
  • With the first jog, your body will not be very joyful to the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing active sport. The muscles of the legs will begin to root, breathing will become frequent and the chest becomes sick, the feeling that you can fall are about. But keep running! For the first 2-3 workouts, a sufficient duration of the jogging is 10-15 minutes.
  • Start the training with a 5 minute fast walking, gradually turning into running. And complete the quick run, passing in a quiet walking.
  • Proper breathing - inhale it is necessary through the nose, and exhaled through the mouth, the breath is calm, moderate.
  • It is necessary to go on a jog 3-4 times a week. If, because of the active rhythm of life you do not have such an opportunity, try to walk more, but you need to go to workout at least on weekends.
  • Temp - Do not dial the maximum speed from the first minutes of running, it will not bring it, and in a couple of minutes the body will completely exhale. Hold the tempo of the run, in which you can communicate throughout the workout. If you feel that you start to choke - change the intense running on fast walking.

How to start running - body position

So that the training will benefit you and was truly high quality, it is necessary to use all parts of the body, which, with the right position, will greatly facilitate the jog:

  • Head and neck - Eyes should look clearly forward, look after the chin, he should not press her chest. Thanks to the right position, the air will be in full.
  • Shoulders - try throughout the jogging to keep them in a relaxed and free position. Do not let them rise to the neck if you feel that the voltage appears, take a deep breath and shake hands.
  • Hands - brushes Squeeze into fists, the fingers should touch the palms slightly, the elbows should be bent 90 degrees. During movement, move them forward, at the waist level.
  • Case - Keep the torso directly, do not slouch. If you start to hurt, take a deep breath through your nose, and you naturally align.
  • The knees - should be slightly bent to soften the drop when hitting.
  • The movement of the feet and legs - the feet of your feet are the first assistant when jogging, for this, roll on the sock and repel from the ground. Lift legs no more than at a normal step.

How to start running - program

Below is a program for beginners on the first 8 weeks of classes:

  • 1 week - 2 minutes run, 5 minutes walk.
  • 2 weeks - 3 minutes run, 4 minutes walk.
  • 3 weeks - 4 minutes run, 3 minutes walk.
  • 4 weeks - 6 minutes run, 2 minutes walk.
  • 5 weeks - 7 minutes run, 3 minutes walk.
  • 6 week - 9 minutes run, 2 minutes walk
  • 7 weeks - 12 minutes run, 2 minutes walk.
  • 8 weeks - 15 minutes run, 1 minute walk.

If you feel the fatigue before completing the jog, change or make your workout plan. If you do everything right, after classes you will feel the tide of strength, vigor and lifting the Spirit!

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