How to remove sagging hands

How to remove sagging hands

To put your hands in order, it is necessary to establish meals, eliminate negative factors that strongly affect the fullness, as well as add a share of activity. The resulting set of events is used for a long time, can help achieve excellent results. Dry skin and sluggish muscles will quickly come into shape. The biggest secret of exercises in proper execution and diligence, with which they are suitable for work on themselves.

How to remove sagging hands - Products

Along with the exercises, the nutrition is regulated, bags on the arms are a fingerprint that man puts himself in his mouth.

  • Buns and cakes are replaced with more useful sweets - fruit and dried fruits. But even these goodies should be used in moderation.
  • Fats are practically excluded up to 3 g per day. Carbohydrates provide muscle muscles, and proteins - builders for muscles.
  • Drink at least 2 liters per day: compotes, conventional water, frost. Clean carbonated drinks, alcoholic and low alcohol.
  • Tobaccoing also does not give health to the body, only makes it lazy.
  • Eating is broken into 5 stages for better assimilation and less overeating. The fragmentation reduces depression and stress from the new nutrition. There will be 3 main reception and 2 snacks, for example, in the form of a banana with kefir. Food is fresh and minimized by high temperatures.
  • Vegetables improve the intestinal work at the expense of fiber.
  • The menu should be only gradually: meat or fish, green vegetables, porridge, vegetable oil, animal fat.

Miscellaneous skin in his arms is a consequence of irregular nutrition and insufficient movement. In parallel, one thing is adjusted and immediately starts working on his body!

How to remove sagging hands - extension of hands with dumbbell

  • You will need 1 dumbbell (weight). Isolating training is performed by two hands using the dumbbell's institution for the head and lowering it to the shoulders.
  • It is necessary to sit on the bench and arrange the knees to the side for the sustainability of the situation. Sports projectile put on the right leg vertically and conveniently intercepted behind the lower part with both hands.
  • Next, you should raise weighting over your head, translating the bottom to the upper position, rejecting it to the back.

Moves are performed slowly, on the breath of the dumbbell takes to the back of the back, the exhale slowly rises. Elbows try not to breed, at the top point do not straighten the limbs, save the maximum voltage.

How to remove sagging hands - babes on a bench

They are also called reverse pushups. Well trains triceps, deltoid, widest, diamond muscles. To perform 2 horizontal planes, located in parallel from each other at the distance of the elongated legs. The person turns to one of them with his back and falls on the edge of his hands, which are placed in the width of the shoulders. Foots enrolled together, put on the opposite bench. The housing is lowered while the elbows do not become one line with shoulders. Having reached the lowest point, you must climb the elongated hands. Make 4 approaches 15 times.

How to remove sagging hands - bending hands with dumbbells

Performed standing with dumbbells. The body is direct, the upper limbs hang along the body, the legs are slightly bent in the knees. The elbows move closer to the body, the palms hold the weighting, the fingers are turned to the thighs. Hands slowly bended in the elbows and brought almost to the shoulder, turning at the end of the palm to the face. In the most difficult stage, flexion in the highest point, are delayed for a second and smoothly descend to the bottom. Make 4 approaches 15 times. Breathing is necessarily adjustable - exhalation when flexing, inhale when extension.

How to remove sagging hands - the extension of the hands back in the slope

On the bench become a knee of one leg, the second is located near the floor. The elongated hand should be resting into the same bench, the second holds the dumbbell. Weighing remove back to the pelvis. The back remains parallel to the floor, the loin slightly flashed. At the lowest point, the shoulder is most relaxing. The number of approaches for 1 hand - 15 times. Total approaches for two hands - 4 times. Perhaps performing standing without stop.

Do not think that for the correction is quite a bit of the limbs and they will come to normal. How wrong! Food and movement stand side by side and you can not start the same thing, there will be no sense in the exercises if the fried potatoes are habit again and again appears on the table. Women's slender hands and beautiful men are the result of human strength and perseverance.

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Lena 13/10/2018 at 8:40

And here for improving the fat burning took L-carnitine sports expert in front of the trenoes and tried nothing after it. There is no hour 2. I lost weight perfectly, including your hands more tightened by steel)) But of course, it is important not only to deal with Cardio, but also power ... otherwise there will be no sense)

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