How to pump legs to the girl

How to pump legs to the girl

In the modern world, any woman dreams of not only slender, and about   patched legs. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to learn some   recommendations and tips on muscle buildings. If you are well informed, then it is not difficult to pump your legs.

Training will not lead any results if a person fails. Therefore, combine sports is needed with proper balanced nutrition. The regularity of loads is still very important. Having worked out several times with a great break, you will not get the desired result. It is necessary to adhere to the system. This will require drawing up schedule of classes that suits you. Before you begin to leg exercises, you need to warm up the muscles - this is the rotation of the foot, slopes in different directions. This can avoid stretching muscles.

How to pump up the feet of the girl - squats

To perform this exercise, you need to put the feet a little wider pelvis, while the back is a little to exacerbate. Put on the shoulder bodybar And begin to squat. You can also use a bar, the weight of which depends on the degree of your preparation. To begin with, you can perform movements without burden, gradually increasing the load from 40 to 100 squats. During the exercises, it is important to monitor each movement. So, the knees should not go beyond the level of socks, and it is necessary to lower the pelvis to a straight corner in the knee.

The load is more focused on the four-chapted muscle of the thigh, on the large muscle of the buttock, as well as the two-headed muscle of the thigh.

Thanks to this exercise, it is possible to effectively work out the lower part of the body in conditions of the house, while the jagged muscles are perfectly soaked.

How to pump up the feet of the girl - falling forward

Making attacks need to ensure that two legs bend at right angles in the knee. The body weight is transferred to the leg, and the rear leg is needed to support. Performing exercises, you can not hit the knee of the floor. The torso should be kept smoothly, and the knee does not act beyond the fingers of the legs.

Classic attacks to the parties are considered an effective exercise for muscle extensions. In this case, the main focus is on quadriceps And the muscle of the buttock.

How to pump up the feet of a girl - Flex

  • For the exercise you need to take the position lying. Then learn to the forearm area, and at the same time put on your knees. Follow the fact that there were no deflection on the back.
  • Raise the leg, which is bent in the knee until the thigh area forms a flat line with the torso. The heel must be drawn into the ceiling. You can also hang weights on your feet.
  • Remember, you can not inertially throw out legs upstairs. With each exercise you need to feel all the muscles.

How to pump up the feet of the girl - the movement of the hip lying on the side

  • For exercise, you need to lie on the side to the floor and rest on the elbow. The hand, which turned out to be at the top, put in the abdomen. The leg that is at the top, bend and rest on it into the floor. The bottom leg turn up and try to get into the ceiling.
  • It is necessary to raise the leg as high as possible without pulling the sock. Performing movement, you need to feel the tension in the field of the inner surface of the thigh.
  • In the usual life, these muscles are practically not involved, so this exercise is of great importance. By constiting a harmonious feet program, it is important to take into account all the main muscles of the lower extremities.

How to pump your feet to the girl - the rise on semi-winges

In order for caviar to be tightened, more pronounced and attractive, you need to climb the front of the foot so that the heels do not touch the floor. Exercise can be performed next to the hill, for example, step platform or threshold at home. In this case, the motor amplitude on the muscles of the ICR will be greater. It is enough to spend daily for 20 minutes on a similar exercise and after a while you will achieve the desired result.

How to pump your feet girl - run

If you decide to pump your legs, you can not immediately take a distance of 5 km. First you need to run a coward, then an accelerated step and only then put records.

Thanks to these elementary exercises, you can pump your feet at home. The intensity of approaches depends on your preparation. After a few months of daily workouts, you will see changes, which means that soon the dream of slim-taut legs will come true.

Remember you have to enjoy training. In order to pump up legs, you need to abandon the use of an elevator or public transport, and walk more on foot.

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