How to jump on the rope

How to jump on the rope

The rope is familiar with everyone since childhood. Then everyone used it only in gaming purposes. Already from school time it was clear that it could actively be used in sports. The rope is an excellent tool to lose weight. So you need to know about this inventory.

How to choose a rope

When choosing any inventory, the first rule that must be followed is to choose it for you and your goals. When buying a jump, you immediately need to pay attention to the length. Fold it twice and pull your hands forward. If it is just a little touching the floor, then you have chosen the right length. When it lies on the floor, or does not reach at all, it is worth picking up another length.

Also, if your goal is not only to strengthen the general condition of the body, but also reset the excess weight, you can pay attention to the rope with weights, with the counting of hips or the calories used. All this will help you quickly reach the goal and bring yourself into shape.

How to learn how to jump on the rope

Before starting the main exercises, it is necessary to warm up. It's enough to run a short, or make basic exercises, including jumping in place.

In order to be able to jump correctly, you need to follow these rules:

  • elbows must be pressed against the body;
  • rotational movements must be performed only by hand of hands;
  • the back should always remain straight;
  • spring the legs during the separation from the ground, and not the opposite.

Jumping can be performed by any complexity, both ordinary and double, with a rope twisting, on one leg, two and alternating - it all depends on your preferences, and if you need a variety.

It is also important to cover on which you jump. In order to avoid injuries, it is better to carry out all exercises in sneakers.

Contraindications for skylights

Despite how many benefits it has, the skill also has its own contraindications. You can not use it if:

  • there are injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • people with migraine attacks;
  • immediately after eating food (it is desirable to wait at least an hour after eating);
  • there are heart problems (excessive load on the body during classes can only aggravate the situation);
  • in the presence of diseases with cartilage and joints, it applies to knees;
  • also, if your weight exceeds the norm.

If you do not correspond to any of the above items, you are not only desirable, but you need to get more likely to this inventory. To always stay healthy and beautiful.

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