How to lose weight in the waist

How to lose weight in the waist

Perhaps every girl dreams of an ideal figure. Thin waist, flat stomach and slender legs - such standards dictate us modern fashion. But what to do if the figure does not meet this standards at all? The main thing to have a wish and willpower to make yourself change. Our article contains effective advice on how to reduce the volume of the waist.

Proper nutrition

The waist is first subjected to increasing volume. And this not only depends on non-compliance with proper nutrition. Scientists have proven that even stress or experiences may give a waist of several extra centimeters. To remove the volume and get the desired olive waist, first of all, make the intestinal cleansing. This will help you with natural smoothies. It is necessary to use such a drink in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, replacing them dinner. The most effective smoothies for weight loss in the waist are:

  • ginger-cucumber smoothie (make the gingerbread, bay 250 ml overnight. boiling water is a small ginger root (1.5-2 cm), in the morning in the blender bowl, add a fresh cucumber, green apple and 2 lemon slices, pour a ginger drink , beat 1 minute at medium speed;
  • pumpkin-banana smoothie (150 g of raw pumpkins pour 250 ml. non-fat yogurt or kefir, add one banana and beat in a blender);
  • vegetable smoothie (100 g of celery, 1 cucumber, several twigs of parsley and spinach pour 250 ml. filtered water, beat in a blender to a complete grinding of the ingredients);
  • berry smoothie (100 g of raspberries, 50 g. Currant, 100 g. Blueberries, 1 green apple to pour low-fat drinking yogurt (250ml) and beat in a blender;
  • watermelon smoothie (350 g. The pulp of fresh watermelon and 1 banana beat 1 minute in a blender);
  • vitamin smoothie for advanced (broccoli 2 pcs., Spinach leaves, fresh cucumber, 1 kiwi pour a degreased kefir, prepare with a blender 2 minutes).

After you drink a smoothie 2 times a day, after a week you will notice the result!

Please note that during such weight loss, you must be included in the diet of boiled breast, low-fat beef and veal. Drink minimum 2 liters. Purified water. In many ways, it is necessary to refuse, the product-tab includes:

  • bakery products;
  • coffee and black tea with sugar;
  • chocolate;
  • salted, smoked fish;
  • sausage products (turkey sausages are also banned);
  • pork;
  • potatoes in any form.


The best way to reduce the volume of the waist is observing a diet with a combination of simple physical exercises. Conventional cardio loads (running, swimming, rope, cycling) will give the desired result. But if you are completely satisfied with your figure, but you want to get rid of centimeters from the waist, then we offer some effective exercises:

  • vacuum - Become on all fours, make a deep breath and stomach. Made as much as possible to yourself, hold on in such a state of 30 sec., Exhausted it is necessary gradually, not sharply;
  • lie on your back, well stretch, fit your feet, try to touch the heels with palms, for each side it is necessary to make 15 slopes;
  • turn over side, become on the elbow, stand the bar 30 seconds. (for each side exercise to perform 3 times, to increase the time of the bar for 10 seconds every day);
  • become in the bar on the elbows (pain or discomfort in the lower back should not be), lift the right leg, hold it in this position 20 sec., A similar action is repeated with the left foot (perform 10 approaches);
  • sit on the rug, in my hands a small ball, leg legs and slightly lift, take 15 turns of the body and hands.

To achieve the maximum effect, the exercises must be performed daily.

Massage and wrapping

Another way to effectively lose weight is a massage and wrapping. It is not necessary to perform these procedures in the cabin, they can be done at home. To reduce the waist, the vacuum or tweezing massage is perfect. After each self-massage session, it is necessary to make hot or cold wraps (change alternately). Wrapping cream individually.

Now you know how to achieve perfect forms and can safely start creating a perfect body!

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