Beautiful back - the dream of many people. It is an opinion that it is impossible to pump up the back at home, but it is not. This article will tell about the ways of pumping the back of the house.
How to pump up a beautiful back of the house - Principles and Rules
There are two main approaches to classes based on goals.
- The first approach implies a calorie dropping, giving the back of a beautiful form. For people who want to improve the relief, the intensity of the exercises is different. In general, in order to lose extra calories and give the beautiful form of some muscle group, including the dorsal, it is necessary to make exercises with a small weight, a large number of approaches and a short interval between repetitions.
- The second approach implies an increase in muscle mass. This approach includes strength exercises (with a heavier weight, if use inventory), with a small number of approaches and a longer interval between them.
In any case, without proper power supply, you can not wait. He will be mentioned below.
In independence from the goals chosen to you, you need to prepare your back muscles to load.
For this, 1-2 weeks are worth performing the following exercises 3 times a week:
- Bridge thighs. We take a towel, turn it out, and in a horizontal position lay on it so that the towel supported the head. Bend your knees. We relax and press your hands to the floor. Slowly raise the hips so that a straight line from the shoulders to the knees was formed. The back at the same time should be absolutely smooth. We make 3 approaches for 8-10 times.
- Side bar. Going to the floor, pressing the body. Align the spine, strain the muscles of the press and climb on the elbow. It is necessary to hold out in this state 30-40 seconds. In this case, the neck must be straightened. This exercise increases endurance, straining almost the whole body. We repeat the same thing, turning over on the side. So 3-4 approaches each side. Truck - 1 - 1.5 min.
- Fallen forward. Put your hands on the hips. Straightening the abdominal muscles, make a squat step forward with the right foot, bending the left smoothly 90. We repeat the same with the left foot. Exercise is needed in 3-4 approaches, with 12-14 repetitions. The exercise does not require high energy costs, so the gap between the approaches must be minimized.
How to pump up a beautiful back of the house - dropping calories, relief
This is the first approach to the scrolling of the back. Consider several exercises without inventory that will help give relief back:
- Hyperextension. For the exercise you will need a few chairs or sofa. They need to lie down so as to fix the legs and hips, and the rest of the body hung in the air. Pluging the lower part of the body in this way, we cross your hands on your chest, wound up the back up and go down to the floor. Having reached the bottom point, without changing the position of the back, rise to the initial position. This exercise must be done in 3-4 approaches, 12-15 repetitions, as quickly as possible. The gap between the approaches minimum, 40 - 60 seconds.
Hyperextension helps not only strengthen the back muscles, but also to effectively lose weight, since the exercise itself, with the above intensity, is quite difficult to perform.
Repeat the exercise the first six months - twice a week, then - three.
When you feel that hyperextenia is given to you without much effort, complicate the exercise. Take some object weighing from 2 to 5 kg. Such item can be a common bottle, damn from the bar (if any) or anything else.
- Exercise called "Strong Spin". This exercise affects almost all groups of muscles of the back, while it helps with such problems with the spine, as scoliosis or kyphosis. We lie down the stomach on the floor, raise the back at the top, without moving the rest of the body. Hands pressed to the body. We press the chin as much as possible to the chest. Hold your head in such a state of 4-5 seconds, we go down. Do this exercise is desirable in 3-4 approaches of 8-10 repetitions. Complete exercise can be filled with legs and hands to the top, forming a boat form. This similar exercise is called a "boat".
How to pump up a beautiful back of the house - Power exercises
Power exercises - the second approach to the scrolling of the back. Exercises:
- Tightening on the horizontal bar.
If there is an opportunity to make a homemade horizontal horizon in an apartment or entrance, do not miss it.
I jump on the horizontal bar, bend your legs in the knees (for beginners) and tighten, trying to push yourself with your feet. Let's go down and do same repeatedly. The exercise is quite complicated, so you need to do it as far as possible. Tightening on the horizontal bar pump up the top of the back and shoulders.
- Dumbbell thrust in the slope .
For this exercise you will need dumbbells. Pick up the appropriate weight that will allow you to perform this exercise in 3-4 approaches of 10-12 repetitions.
Lightly bend the knees, tilting the curved back perpendicular to the feet of 90 , We select dumbbells and raise them, bending at the same time to minimize the distance between the blades. Hands need to be lifted parallel to the body, in a straight line. Strain your back, not my hands. Maximum efficient this exercise will be when you feel that you are raising the dumbbells not with your hands, but the muscles of the back. Hands are only auxiliary tool. Repeat this exercise the first half a month twice a week, then three.
- Drive dumbbells with one hand in the stop.
We take 2 stools by placing them with each other in the emphasis. We put on them a bent right leg (for support and impact of the load) and the straightened right hand is slightly higher. I put my left leg forward, take a dumbbell, and in a slight curved state raise it on the principle of the previous exercise. Same We repeat on the right side by changing the positions of the hands and legs. This exercise is desirable for the first half of the month 2 times a week, then three.
- Ranged traction (with a barbell).
We approach the rod, the feet a little shoulders. Bend to the ride straightening my back, grab it. Turning to hell, pull the bar to the top, the maximum aluminum back. Introducing your back, slowly lower the bar, not dropping to the floor, a little figing legs. Repeat the exercise the first half a month 2 times a week, then - three. 3-4 approaches 8-10 times. It is important to consider that too heavy rod can harm your spine.
Everything the aforementioned exercises It is necessary to group, for example, on Monday, pull up on the horizontal bar and pull the dumbbells with one hand in the stop, and on Thursday it is to carry out the traction and traction of dumbbells in the slope.
How to pump up a beautiful back of the house - Proper nutrition
Proper nutrition at a 1st approach:
- It is not necessary to limit yourself. The diet is not always obligatory.
- Feed 4-5 times a day.
- Maximum try to exclude fried, flour (including bread) from the diet.
- Minimize sugar and salt consumption.
- Meal - 3-4 hours before sleep.
- The last meal must be light, for example, pross or fruit.
- Drink a lot of fluid (water, natural juices).
Proper nutrition at a 2nd approach:
Since the strength exercises burn a lot of energy, it must be restored.
- Feed 6-7 times a day.
- Particularly strict rules for the exception of any meal in this case are not, but you need to try to consume a large number of proteins and useful products.
- Include in the diet: honey, walnuts, eggs (better in boiled form), any cereal.
- Eating - 3-4 hours before sleep.
Remember that without proper nutrition there is no point in your efforts.