How to narrow the pores on the face

How to narrow the pores on the face

It is believed that greasy skin holders have advantages over those who have a different type. She later begins to grow old and does not undergo dryness, which means that the probability of wrinkle formation on it is reduced. However, this type of skin also has its drawbacks - it is shine and extended pores. Crashing, they become the cause of acne and acne. The accumulation of fat expands the pores, and when dirt falls there, black dots appear - comaons. This type of leather requires regular care, which is aimed at narrowing. You can visit beauty salons, where specialists will eliminate this problem, as an option - to use home with special cosmetics, you can also try to deal with this problem with the help of popular methods.

If it was decided to refer to specialists, they can offer several ways, one of which is cryotherapy. This is the procedure that consists in exposure to the skin with the help of cold. The face is placed by cooling elements, sometimes - blown with cold air. The course is 10-12 sessions. You can also wipe the face several times a day with an ordinary ice cube alone.

As an option - the dossonialization of the face is a procedure, as a result of which the skin is affected by a high voltage pulsed current. Due to this, the tone increases and blood circulation is improved. This procedure is not recommended for Cooperose.

Ultrasound stimulation - ultrasonic waves stimulate collagen synthesis, due to this, the elasticity of the skin is improved, pores are cleaned and narrowed. It is required to pass about 10-15 sessions. The undoubted advantage of the procedure is the mild effect on the skin and the absence of side effects.

Another way of salon narrowing is microdermabrasion. Its essence lies in skin leveling due to the effects of crushed sand and aluminum oxide. Such a procedure provides a long-term effect, but immediately after it is not recommended for several days to be in the sun.

Laser grinding (peeling). The essence of this method is to remove the surface layer of the epidermis using the laser beam. After that, the skin regeneration occurs, it becomes smooth and smooth. This method is perfectly suitable even for the narrowing of the deepest pores. His advantage is a long-term effect. Among the minuses should select the soreness of the procedure (but not in all cases) and the long-term recovery period (maybe even a few months).

With the help of cosmetics, the pores can also be narrowed. An excellent option will be a special clay (white, red, pink), it absorbs fat very well. A good impact on the skin of the face is bodia. It is sold in pharmacies in the form of a gel or powder. It is easy to apply to the skin, only it is not recommended to go out into the street, since after using the face will noticeably blush. There are also special tonic, masks, scrubs, cream, the main thing - to decide on the manufacturer and choose the skin under your skin. Regular use of suitable cosmetics will noticeably improve the condition of the face.

Folk methods are also very often effective - these are masks, compresses, infusions. It works well on this type of skin fruit acid (strawberry, grapes, lemon, raspberry). Such ingredients can be mixed with egg proteins. Sparated oatmeal flakes have a soft effect on the skin of the face. An excellent option will be frozen cubes of brazers from herbs.

Regular skin care will help prevent many problems. Each woman chooses for itself the most convenient way that meets its needs and financial position, but it is worth remembering - you can not save on quality.



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