How to squeeze pimple

How to squeeze pimple

Acne - inflamed pores and hair onions, in which the pus accumulates. Such unsightly manifestations on the skin significantly reduce adolescent confidence, which contributes to the emergence of complexes. If the first acne emerges, the person tries to get rid of him right away. For this, it is not necessary to extrude the contents of the pore, but to use the means cleansing the skin.

But, if you still have decided to get rid of the "defect", try to abide by all disinfection measures. Remember, the acne rash begins with the first acne, the rose of which is dealt all over the face. In this pussy there are bacteria causing acne. Wash your hands with soap and wipe their alcohol. The pharmacy sells gel-like antiseptics and disinfecting substances with a dispenser. They can also be used.

How to squeeze pimple

Now wipe the skin in the focus of inflammation with alcohol. Wrap your fingers with a sterile bandage and put on the skin around the inflammation. Do not apply a lot of strength, since after the procedure can remain stain. If during pressing you feel strong pain, then the pimple has not yet matured, and it is worth 1-2 days to postpone the procedure. If you try to squeeze pimples now, after a few hours a new one will appear in his place.

How to squeeze pimple

How to understand that the pimple is ripe? If there is a seal with a white point on the skin and with the content inside, it means that you can proceed to the removal of acne. But in the case of pronounced redness and blurred borders of inflammation, it is better to pay a little bit and postpone the skin cleaning process. People with very oily skin prone to the blockage of greasy ducts, so they have black dots on their face - comaons. These are clusters of dirt in the pores. They, in contrast to acne, it is recommended to squeeze. In addition, even in the salons before mechanical and acid grinding, black dots are removed from the face by extrusion.

How to squeeze pimple

How to get rid of inner acne? Internal acne in their structure differ from superficial. If the piglets and white pimples arise due to poor skin care and highlighting a large amount of fat, then internal umnuts appear due to malfunctions in the work of the internal organs. Please note if you are constantly red cheeks and there are inflamed stains around the eyes, this may indicate the diseases of the liver and pancreas. If there is no damage on the surface of the skin, there may be no damage on the skin surface. Initially, a rounded seal appears, resembling a ball, and over time, the skin becomes red. Mature such glands for a very long time. Therefore, when the red spots appears on the surface of the skin, do not rush to squeeze the pimples. Most likely, the entire pussy will not flow out, but will spread under the skin. Internal acne can not be pressed!

How to squeeze pimple

How to squeeze "pigosyans"? Pigosyanki - White painless balls with subcutaneous lard inside. They do not hurt and do not go. There are no inflammation and redness around them. Usually they appear around the eyes or nose. They can be removed using the needle. It is not recommended to squeeze the piglery due to its small size. Wipe the needle with sleep and pinched the skin in the center of the white ball. Press the pimpled with his fingers, pre-renewing them. After manipulation, acne may not disappear, so the pigs are recommended to be removed in the cabin. Most effective laser treatment.

How to squeeze pimple

Do not save on yourself and do not experiment with appearance. Unsuccessfully squeezed acne can cause acne. In this case, without the help of a cosmetologist and a dermatologist will not do.

Comments leave a comment
Love 07/19/2019 at 15:15

Why put it in general? On the face of such gentle skin, then there will be a wound, the scar will still remain. It is better to smell a tonal cream and suffer, it will take place.

Veronica 07/21/2019 at 12:27

Love, absolutely agree with you, it is better to touch anything on the face. Although I myself had sinned it myself, but at least the mind had enough wounds to treat Argosulfan, I defended the infection, and I didn't remain scarring after it, but it's better not to deal with such things.

Polina Grochina 09/29/2019 at 22:48.

Oh, yes, it is better to definitely put anything on the face. I myself suffer acne, I know how hard it is, but it is not an option to put acne. By the way, I recently spent the cleansing of the body from slags and toxins with the help of enterosgel, I really liked the effect. The face has become much cleaner))) I will repeat more)))


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