What will happen if you crush acne

What will happen if you crush acne

Acne were everyone, and everyone tried to fight them somehow. In most cases, acne is simply extruded, without thinking about possible consequences. And the consequences can be very unpleasant. Considering that acne is not only a cosmetic problem, you need to know how to deal with them and carry out prevention.

Why acne appear

Acne is a local inflammatory skin process. In medical practice, every type of acne has its medical name, but for patients it does not matter.

On the surface of our skin there is a huge number of bacteria. Normally, the upper skin balls reliably protect the adjacent fabrics from microorganisms. And the sweat and secret of sebaceous glands complement this protection with their antimicrobial properties. In the case of the slightest damage to the skin, the infection penetrates deep into and can cause an inflammatory process.

There are other ways to penetrate bacteria into the skin. They can be transferred to blood or lymph current. Even carious teeth can be a focus of infection of the skin and internal organs. Hormonal disorders or perestroika, as well as low immunity and high blood glucose levels can contribute to the occurrence of acne.

What can squeeze acne

  • Few people comply with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics in extrude acne, and conducts this manipulation of dirty hands. At the same time, a new portion of bacteria is entered into an already existing focus of infection, which only aggravate the process.
  • When extriving acne, the compression of the inflammation zone occurs. This contributes to the spread of infection and mediators of inflammation in the nearest tissues. As a result, you can get a few acne instead of one.
  • If the pimple is large enough, and it is repeated repeatedly, you can hurt the skin very much. In this case, a rutter can be formed, which will remain for life.
  • From squeezing acne, you can even die. On our face there is a "triangle of death". This is a conditional zone, which is limited to the upper lip and nasolabial folds. The outflow of venous blood from this area is carried out through the venous sinuses of the shells of the brain. When squeezing acne in this zone, the infection can get into one of these sinuses and cause meningitis or meningoencephalitis. And this is a difficult state that often ends with a fatal outcome.

How to deal with acne

Acne do not need to crush. When acne appears, lubricate it with alcohol regularly. This will eliminate the infection and reduce the inflammatory process.
Do not smear acne with a tonal cream. It is an excellent medium for breeding microorganisms, which will only aggravate inflammation.

If you still thought up to squeeze the pimple, do it needed when the purulent vertex has formed. Before that, you need to wash your hands well and dress sterile gloves. The skin must be processed by a simple or boring alcohol. No need to make great effort. If the pimple is not squeezed, it means that it has not yet matured. And never press acne in the triangle of death, even if they ripened.

So that you do not have skin problems, you need to follow hygiene rules. And when acne appears in a dangerous area, it is better to contact a dermatologist.

Comments leave a comment
Kira 07/19/2019 at 15:12

What will happen if you crush acne? Well, at least there will be a scar on the skin, do you need it? And there is also a risk of infection, which is also affected. My advice is not to put pressure on the face!

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Alina 20/07/2019 at 11:49.

Kira, you are absolutely right! On the face, yes, and in general, it is better to touch anything on the body, and if you really have been kept, then the wound should be processed so as not to get additional problems. I did the Argosulfan of the wounds such, not a single scar on the face remained. Now I'm not doing such things with such things, but I still decided to share the experience.

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