How to quickly get rid of freckles

How to quickly get rid of freckles

The summer sun harvested, and the face "bloomed" cannons. Freckles in childhood is pretty cute, but in adulthood there is a desire to get rid of them. Everyone must decide for himself, leave these red specks or try to delete them. The main thing to understand that the process is not very complex and can be solved.

1) Cucumber Mask

The whitening properties of the ordinary cucumber are known for a long time ago, they used not one generation in the preparation of bleaching creams and lotions. Clean the vegetable from the peel and grind in the blender. Such a crawler turns out to be much more efficient effect on the skin than the usual slices. Apply the resulting mass on the washed face and hold 10 minutes, relax and relax during this time. Wash the mask and moisture the face with cream. Use this method once a day for a week, and you will definitely see the effect. Also, clean, pressed vegetable juice use to wipe the problem areas.


No less effectively struggling with freckles and lemon. Its juice is added to water for washing, in various creams, masks. You can cook a mask with lemon and yeast. 25 grams of yeast. Pretty nerve with 1 teaspaste of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of fresh milk. Mass should be homogeneous, without lumps. Lower it on the skin for 20 minutes, after that, carefully rinse with warm water. Try to carry out the procedure daily for the week. Gradually, the freckles are blocked, and then they will disappear at all.


Problem sections are wiped with undiluted juice of this grass or impose a mask from parsley shredded in a blender, half an hour. To enhance the effect, try to wash some rises, kefir or sour cream to the resulting casket. Good results gives a combination of parsley, honey in equal amounts with the addition of several drops of fresh lemon juice. All listed masks hold on the face about half an hour, and then wash off and as needed cream. Remember that the masks of fresh products very soon come into disrepair, so it is better to prepare them in front of the application itself.


Green pea

Young green peas grains are good for a fork or blender, add an equal amount of brew whey and apply on face. After half an hour, rinse and moisten the skin with the cream. It should be remembered that all bleaching procedures are carried out in the evening, because after them the skin becomes special sensitivity to the sunshine.

Polkah Deta


Star, like a world, truth: it is easier to prevent than then desperately treat. Freckles appear from direct exposure to sunlight. The output suggests itself: Protect your face from the Sun! It can be wide-rated hats, sunscreen, sprays. Do not in the sun with an open face, especially at noon.

Before starting actions aimed at combating freckles, look carefully in the mirror. Perhaps these cute redhead specks to you even to face. But if you still decide to active actions, then try to take advantage of our advice. Successes to you on the field of combating freckles!

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