How to shave legs

How to shave legs

In the process of shaving, the top layer of the skin is removed along with the hairproof - the epidermis. Even gentle movements remove dead cells, " ogolyai»Pores. The process and the result of shaving largely depends on the main tool. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to choose a good machine for a soft shave and a smooth result and correctly use it.

Start with pleasant moments - type in the bathroom warm Foam Driver, Moor, Relax and apply scrabble means For softening and removing dirt. If there is no bathroom, the shower compensates perfectly compensate for the situation. After applying the scrub, massage the legs and relax.

When Small scales of the epidermis are exfoliated, the skin sparsed, and the hairs became softer, apply a shaving foam or gel. For first experience, it is not recommended to use soap or shower gel - it is not known how the skin will react to new procedures, so it is better to give preference to professional means.

Leave inflicted Means for a few minutes to maximize skin moisturizing. When it has already absorbed a little, take the machine, gently touch the blade to the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe knees and pull down the hair growth. If the legs shave for the first time, then it is not necessary to spend the same place again, as well as direct the blade against hair growth - the likely to injure the skin.

Know that gradually the hair will become stronger and reminded to a bristle. To you have to Repeat the procedure once a few days and move against hair growth, in order not to leave the "barbs". If the procedure is carried out too often and not scrabble skin, then the hairs will start to grow, which will be seen by inflamed pimples.

After Each shave moisturize the legs with special lotions, children's cosmetic milk or olive oil. Store the machine in a dry place and before use, carefully wash hot water or dip in boiling water. Do not forget to regularly change the tool or blade, if provided by modification.

Never use soap to shave - it dehydrates the skin and leads to peeling.

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