Gel for the gums when teething teething, how to use

Gel for the gums when teething teething, how to use

The first teeth of your baby may appear without any problems without any particular concerns. But more often it is a long and painful process, and the task of a loving mother is to facilitate the crumb of suffering. Help in this can gels for gums that are designed specifically for use in teething.

Signs of teething

The main signs of teething are as follows:

  • red and swollen gums;
  • redness on face and cheeks;
  • abundant salivation;
  • the kid with a special zeal is pulling everything in his mouth to lose, bite or suck;
  • rubber ear from the side of the teething tooth;
  • does not sleep at night;
  • eats badly;
  • often crying, capricious, behaves irritably.

The kid can rise the temperature or the diarrhea. However, when these features appear, you should not write off everything on your teeth, better contact your pediatrician.

How to alleviate pain with gel

Log in to remove pain syndrome will help cooling gels in teething for children. Their choice is quite large, they all contain a local anesthetic and an antiseptic, which simultaneously facilitate pain and prevent infection. As a result, the gel contributes to short-term numbers of tissues.

The action of the gel is short-term, since it is washed out by a saliva child. You can use it no more than 6 times a day. Among the most popular, you can allocate:

  • Calgel;
  • Dentol Bebi;
  • Dentinox;
  • Camistad.

In addition to cooling, there is a holisal gel. It eliminates the local inflammatory process and reduces the swelling of the gums. Holovaal does not contain lidocaine. The anesthetic effect lasts up to 8 hours, since this product is not washed with saliva. You can apply it 2-3 times a day.

You can use and gel on a homeopathic basis, for example, a blessing first teeth or Baby Doctor. They are based on natural ingredients, quickly relieve pain and inflammation. In these gels there are no application restrictions, so use them as the pain returned to the baby.

The method of applying gels:

  • wash your hands with soap and wipe dry;
  • on the finger or on a small cotton tampon squeeze the gel size with a pea;
  • gently rub the remedy into the swatch gum;
  • do not apply more than indicated in the instructions for the drug.

If there is no possibility to achieve the necessary cleanliness of the hands, for example, during the rest in nature, capture cotton sticks with you and use them to apply gel. Do not use the gel more than 7 days in a row without the prescription of the doctor. In the case of the progression of edema, the appearance of rash or increase the temperature - stop using the product and refer to the pediatrician.

If the child has been capricious and awake, then after applying the gel, he can fall asleep, as pain passed. Do not be afraid if the baby fell asleep - this is not connected with the product itself, but with relief caused by it.

Useful advice

Before using this method of anesthesia, consider the following points:

  • choose gels that do not contain sugar, benzocaine, belladonna, parabens, artificial dyes;
  • the tool must be designed specifically for kids;
  • if your child is less than 4 months, before applying the gel, consult a pediatrician;
  • pay attention to all components of the drug, perhaps for some of them the child was revealed intolerance.

It is quite simple and convenient to use gels in teething, they quickly facilitate pain syndrome and allow the baby to calm down. But the best medicine for a child is your arms. Surround crumbus with love and attention, and it will be much easier for him to move such a difficult period.

Comments leave a comment
Veronica 06/16/2018 at 11:36.

Moms, what gel is the most effective in your opinion? I do not want to go empty to keep money.

To answer
Maria 06/25/2018 at 0:42.

Veronica, in my experience, the most effective was Helisal gel, he really anesthetles and the child sleeps for a few hours calmly at night. In the afternoon, it was also not particularly without whims, but it's still hard of course during this period, especially without grandmothers. But this is all individually, anyway may have a couple of drugs to buy to understand how much more suitable for you.

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Irina 07/16/2018 at 22:06.

Thanks for such a detailed article. I learned a lot of interesting things, I will use your advice.

To answer
Alyona 07/17/2018 at 10:50

I also like Holololol. A child tolerates him perfectly, smeared the gum, after a few minutes the caprises pass. Apparently the pain goes away, so calms down. If you smear before bedtime, then there is a chance to sleep with the whole family.

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