Metrogil for the gums

Metrogil for the gums

With inflammation of the gums, we have a desire to cope with the problem as quickly and painlessly and painlessly, because the unpleasant feelings in the oral cavity interfere with full-fledged food. To do this, the easiest way to use ready-made medicines commercially available. Metrogil - a combined antiseptic gel with the addition of an antibiotic used mainly in dentistry. We learn what role it performs to normalize the state of the gum.

The main properties and features of the drug

Before applying gel, we should familiarize yourself with its key features and understand its nature of action. For this designate the following items:

  • The tool has an antibacterial effect, contributes to neutralization of bacteria and stops their reproduction.
  • Despite the content of the antibiotic, the drug gently affects the mucous membrane and the gum tissues under it.
  • The formula in which the metrged is produced is a gel, and it is much better cling to the surface of the gum than cream or simple liquid solution. Consequently, it increases the time of his therapeutic action.
  • Allowed to use from childhood.
  • It is necessary to apply gel only after the professional cleaning of the tooth from the fall and stones, otherwise the effect will be short-term, and all unpleasant feelings will soon resume.

Order application

Lubricate gum gel follows at least two times a day. It is optimally performing after tomorrow and before bedtime after receiving food. Tell the procedure:

  1. After making food thoroughly clean your teeth.
  2. Two minutes after cleaning the teeth, we blame the oral cavity with any antiseptic raster or special elixir.
  3. We make a tampon of gauze and wet the gum mucosa mucosa.
  4. We widely open your mouth and breathe about a minute so that the blade surface is finally dried. The applied substance is better attached to the dried gums.
  5. A small amount of gel is extruded on a finger and impose not a very dense layer on the front side of the gums directly to the place of connection with the dental base.
  6. Next, we lubricate the inner side of the gums.
  7. At the end of the process, it is not recommended to eat two or three hours.
  8. If there is plenty of salivation, it is not necessary to burst its surplus, because it does not affect the adhesive gel.

Contraindications for the use of the drug

This tool practically does not harm our health, but there are a number of special occasions:

  • It is impossible to use the drug to children under 6 years old.
  • For pregnant women, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the gel can only be used from the second trimester of pregnancy. In the early deadline, it can be dangerous for the fetus.
  • When breastfeeding, specialists are also not recommended to use this substance, as it penetrates enough into milk.

At stomatitis

In order to understand whether the metrged should be used when stomatitis on the gums is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence and the form of the disease. Consequently, without the help of a specialist here is not to do. It is important to know which of the pathogens provoked the disease, and if stomatitis was formed due to bacterial influence, then in this case the gel will be effective. But, as a rule, stomatitis are mainly arising in a consequence of either allergic or viral infections, while creating inflammation. Since the components of the metrogil are not able to stop the inflammatory process and overcome infectious microbes, then for these options for the flow of stomatitis it will be useless.

Given all the features of the gel, we note that its use is effective not for all the forms of gum disease. And since at home it is very difficult to establish a disease factor in the occurrence, then we do not recommend using a substance without medical destination.

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