Cardiomagnet, instructions for use

Cardiomagnet, instructions for use

Cardiomagnet is a tablet drug used in the complex treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system and circulatory disorders. The main active ingredient is acetylsalicylic acid in combination with magnesium hydroxide (75: 15.2 mg). It has an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory analgesic effect.

Pharmacological action Cardiomagnila

After taking the cardiosagnet inside, the acetylsalicylic acid is quickly absorbed by the tract and for 30 minutes turns into salicylic acid. The platelet aggregation is blocked. The maximum amount of active substance in the blood plasma is observed after 2 hours. The excretion of salicylate occurs by metabolism in the liver and unchanged with urine.

Magnesium hydroxide protects the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, it neutralizes the irritant effect of the acid. Magnesium is displayed with feces and partially by the kidneys.

Cardiomagnet release form

Cardiomagnet is produced in the form of tablets stylized by sight, and in the form of an oval, with a separator on one side. The drug is 15 or 100 pieces in bottles of dark glass.

Indications for the use of cardiumpa

  • Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, thrombosis, embolism, thrombosis of re-genesis.
  • IBS, acute and chronic angina and rest, myocardial infarction.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Increased blood cholesterol indicators, especially with diseases of diabetes and obesity.
  • Postoperative period.


How to apply cardiomagnet

In the prophylactic purposes of thrombosis, cardiovascular diseases and in the presence of risk factors, on the first day of treatment, the initial daily dose of cardiomagnet is 150 mg, then a supporting dosage of 75 mg. With acute myocardial infarction and the drug, the drug is accepted in a dosage of 150-450 mg / day. Tablets are accepted as a whole, after eating, with a sufficient amount of water. The duration of treatment is chosen by the doctor individually, based on the testimony of health status.

Contraindications of cardiomagnila

The reception of the cardiographic is contraindicated in a tendency to the formation of difficult-requested bleeding (hemophilia or thrombocytopenia), diseases of the respiratory system (bronchial asthma), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (increased acidity, erosion, ulcers), violation of the liver or kidney function, vitamin K, pregnancy I and III The period of breastfeeding, age up to 18 years, in the presence of an allergic reaction and increased sensitivity to the active non-steroidal substance of the drug.

Side Effects of Cardiomagnila

When taking the romagneticity, the development of adverse reactions is possible:

  • bleeding of various genes (nasal, in the oral cavity, more often the gastrointestinal tract);
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • problems in the digestive system (heartburn, pain, bleeding, ulcers, perforations, raising hepatic enzymes, colitis, hepatitis);
  • allergic reactions (anaphylactic shock);
  • headache, psychogenic disorder (violation of the rhythm of sleep, anxiety);
  • bronchospasm;
  • hypoglycemia.

Overdose cardiomagnil

Toxic manifestations of poisoning with the drug are possible in case of exceeding the dosage of 150 mg / kg of weight.

Symptoms of overdose of moderate severity:

  • increased sweating;
  • headache and confusion;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • noise in ears.

In this case, absorbent drugs are prescribed (enterosgel, activated carbon), abundant drinking and washing the stomach.

Heavy Overdose Symptoms:

  • pronounced hypoglycemia;
  • fever;
  • coma;
  • respiratory or cardiovascular failure.

First aid is to immediately call the preservation of help and hospitalization.

Cardiomagnet during pregnancy

Throughout the period of pregnancy and at the stage of breastfeeding, cardiomagnet is not appointed. With a lot of need - the doctor must estimate the potential danger and risk associated with therapy with this drug. Acetylsalicylic acid is almost completely associated with blood proteins, which affects its penetration into the body's tissue - the substance has a greater degree of penetration into breast milk and hematoplazent barrier, therefore the use of the drug during pregnancy is prohibited. In the first trimester of pregnancy, when taking cardiomagnet, an increased frequency of appearance of defects in the fetus is observed, in the third trimester of salicylate causes increased bleeding and inhibition of generic activities from the mother, and the fetal is intracranial hemorrhage.

Compatibility with other drugs

With a simultaneous reception with carldomagnet of methotrexate (blood formation organs), valprooic acid, antacids, hypoglycemic drugs, anticoagulants (heparin, warfarin) are potentia (increased action) and the development of side effects.

Reducing the effectiveness of diuretic drugs, inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme and antacid agents is observed with comprehensive use with cardiomagnet.

special instructions

Cardiomagnet should be taken only by medical purposes, since the main active substance (acetylsalicylic acid) is a strong provocateur of allergic reactions and increases the risk of bleeding.

Incorrect reduced dosage of the drug may entail the development of gout, high - leads to the formation of the hypoglycemic effect.

The cardiomagnet is not recommended to combine with ibuprofen, since the cardioprotective action of the active substance will be significantly reduced.

During treatment with the drug, it is not recommended to combine it with ethanol, since the risk of the occurrence of the defect of the mucous membrane is increasing and the appearance of bleeding.

Important! Reception of cardiomagnet (especially if it is adopted in a complex with thrombolytic agents, anticoagulants and antihombocytic drugs) should be canceled before conducting surgical interventions in order to avoid complex bleeding.

Attention 209072012.

When manifesting any side effects against the background of the drug - do not postpone the visit to the doctor.

Comments leave a comment
faith 04/22/2018 at 13:29

I know that many of this drug are prescribed with hearts or vessels. How is effective? Helps? I looked at the price, it is not suited, I will tell you ...

To answer
Inna Volodina 04/04/2018 at 17:19

Yes, if you consider the course of this drug, then an impressive amount is obtained. For me it is expensive, so I buy a thrombo ass, nothing worse, only at times cheaper and for the prevention of stroke it is often prescribed to patients. I myself began to feel better after a few days of receiving a thrombo ass.

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