Jerusalem artichoke for diabetes mellitus

Jerusalem artichoke for diabetes mellitus

The study of the composition of Jerusalem artichoke showed that the root crop contains a number of nutrients: sodium, silicon, chromium, potassium, calcium, fiber, pectin, protein. Iron saturation factor of exceeds the indicator of its presence in the carrots, Repe and apples. However, the main feature of the earthen pear is an active sorbent in the form of inulin, which penetrates into cells and helps to reduce sugar in blood serum.

Jerusalem artichoke is necessary for people whose relatives in the present or past faced diabetes mellitus. The disease is hereditary. Regular use of Jerusalem artichoke will reduce the risk of disease, moreover, will contribute to improving vision.

Nutritionists pay tribute to Jerusalem artichoke and consider it the optimal product of a healthy diet. Earth pear contains a full -fledged complex of vitamins and substances that favorably affect the functioning of the digestive system and normalize the balance of nutrients. Patients with diabetes should be careful and prudent in compiling the diet. Scientists And the doctors, as a result of numerous studies, concluded: the active substance of the earthen pear - inulin, activates the absorption of glucose and increases the production of his own insulin.

The use of Jerusalem artichoke for patients with type 1 diabetes will contribute to:

  • filling blood with fructose, which will fully replace glucose in metabolic processes;
  • reduction gluconeogenesis;
  • stimulation of burning glucose by glycolis, where the importance of insulin is not so significant;
  • a systematic decrease in glucose indicator in the body and the production of its own insulin pancreas;
  • improving the state of blood vessels and reducing the likelihood of complications;
  • an increase in immunological indicators, and as a result - a decrease in the body's tendency to infect viruses.

Insulin in a coherent chain with other active substances will remove toxins and products of impaired metabolism from the body, and at the same time it will prevent the development of acidosis.

For people suffering from diabetes 2 type, the use of Jerusalem artichoke will be effective in the following result:

  • the balance of the synthesis of thyroid hormones and adrenal glands;
  • weight loss with concomitant obesity;
  • normalization of the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
  • prevention of the development of atherosclerosis in the complication of fat metabolism.

Several recipes for cooking Jerusalem artichoke:

  1. Use the earthen pear instead of potatoes.
  2. Boiled Jerusalem artichoke. Clean the root crop and pour salted hot water. Add 10 ml of 9% vinegar to preserve color during cooking. Boil until cooked. Before use, season with olive oil or sour cream with a low percentage of fat content.
  3. Baked Jerusalem artichoke with eggs. Clean the earthen pear, cut into strips and fry in sunflower oil. Beat 1 2 eggs, add 2 3 tbsp. l. Sour cream and a handful of cheese, mix until smooth. Then put the prepared Jerusalem artichoke on the baking sheet and pour eggs. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 150 180 degrees 10 15 minutes.
  4. Suffle from earthen pear. It sounds unappetizing, however, the taste is excellent. Clean and chop several jacket tubers and pass through a meat grinder, adding 100 g of butter. Add 150 g to the gruel grated cheese and 0.5 cups of whipped cream. Mix the ingredients and put on a baking sheet or pan sprinkled with flour, bake 15 20 minutes over low heat.

Jerusalem artichopers

Even if you do not suffer from diabetes mellitus, take care of health in advance. The disease is easier to prevent than cure. Eat Jerusalem artichoke for food and be healthy!

Comments leave a comment
Eren 03/20/2019 at 13:17

I didn’t even suspect that such a vegetable exists, but thanks for the information. I wonder where you can buy it. But you must take care of health. I, too, began to measure sugar after, slightly increased. Therefore, proper nutrition and olijim, I drink regularly. Helps to resolve and maintain sugar at a permissible level.

lida 07/09/2021 at 13:39

i did not even suspect that this exists, earthen pear. I will have to try, I just don’t know where to buy, but for now I will find a diet and inspilar, I am already used to it and I feel great


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