Why the cervical lymph nodes increase

Why the cervical lymph nodes increase

Lymph nodes are crushed throughout our body. They are a component of a lymphatic system that protects us from bacteria, viruses, fungi, neoplasms and other threatening health pathogens. Lymph nodes are interconnected by a long network of lymphatic vessels for which Lymph flows. It contains immune protection cells and harmful elements that are completely utilized. If different pathological conditions occur in the body, lymph nodes can change their qualitative characteristics. In time, finding them in time, you can identify some diseases in the early stages, when you can still fight effectively with them.

What should be lymph nodes in normal

Although lymphatic nodes and quite a lot, and their large amount is under the skin, it is normal that can only be addressed or any one. Most often there is an opportunity to detect lymph node under the lower jaw. Their size should not exceed 0.5 cm. They must be painless, movable, elastic, smooth and not solded together.

For what purpose there is a physiological increase in lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are peculiar filters for lymphs, in which the cells of immune protection also ripe. When situations occur when you need to cope with infection or other pathogenic phenomena, an additional reserve of the immune system may be needed. In this case, there is an increase in lymph nodes, which repeatedly enhances their performance. In each site of our body there are their groups of lymph nodes. And first of all, lymph nodes begin to increase, the group of which is closest to the pathological hearth.

How to palpate cervical lymph nodes

Cervical lymph nodes are represented by several symmetrical groups. Submandibular are beyond the inside of the body of the mandible, which is necessary to detect tilt your head to the side and to have a lymph node under the jaw 4 fingers. Occipital lymph nodes are palpated easier, they are 3-4 centimeters from the back of the earlobe.

In some cases, increased cervical lymph nodes

  • When inflammation in the surrounding tissues. The most common case of angina, pharyngitis, tracheitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, rhinitis, and stomatitis. These diseases are easily recognized without the aid of the lymph nodes.
  • Generalized infection also causes an increase in cervical lymph nodes. This is the case with chicken pox, measles, rubella, cytomegalovirus infection and other infectious diseases. Swollen lymph nodes may outpace the main symptoms of these diseases.
  • Malignant tumors may lead to an increase in the lymph nodes. It is known that cancer cells characteristic of metastasis. First of all metastases to the nearest lymph nodes. But if the cancer is detected at this stage, you can remove the parent tumor along with lymph nodes, and the patient will live.
  • There oncological diseases in which the primary process occurs in lymph nodes themselves. These include a variety of lymphomas, Hodgkin's disease and granulomatosis. It is often affected a large number of nodes. They are large and thick, can be soldered to one another, and other tissues.

In obscure cases to clarify the cause of enlarged lymph nodes

To do this, we conducted a comprehensive examination of the patient. You need to donate blood for the general and biochemical analysis. Do ultrasound, CT scan or MRI. But the most accurate method is a biopsy. To take a sample, you can use a special needle. In some cases, cut off part of or an entire lymph node. Further, preparations and study them under a powerful microscope. Based on these data being treated.

Changes in lymph nodes often signal the simple diseases. But sometimes they can indicate a deadly disease that is best detected in the early stages of their development. Do not forget to regularly check the lymph nodes in his and their loved ones.

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