Why hands sweat

Why hands sweat

Moderate hand sweating is the usual physiological state of the human body. Sweat gland under the skin reacts to heat from outside the selection of sweat, which evaporating naturally cools, cools, thus adjusting the body temperature. Normally, such discharges are a reaction to a peculiar stimulus. If sweating becomes excessive, constant and excessive - this is a manifestation of a disease that is called hyperhydrosis.

The reason for excessive sweating may be associated with a psychological and emotional state, in which there is a breakdown of sweating-thermoregulation. The vegetative nervous system, regulating the processes of thermoregulation, depends on the environment and how stressful it is. Because of stresses, all sorts of failures and violations of the body occur. Refer to the doctor who will write the reception of sedatives and therapeutic procedures that restore the emotional state to normal.

Some acute or chronic diseases may also cause manifestations of hyperhydrogen symptoms. Malaria, tuberculosis, brucellosis is often accompanied by fever, chills and necessarily abundant sweating due to improving body temperature.

Another culprit of the strong sweating is the diseases of the endocrine system, with the damage to the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, the thyroid gland (hypo-or hyperfunction). Treatment by methods of folk and alternative medicine in this case will be ineffective, and traditional medicine will help to cope with hyperhydrous faster.

Increased sweating may occur as a complication after receiving medical preparations. When using widely known drugs (aspirin, antiwheat, insulin, analgesics, drugs used to delay urination) hyperhydrosis often occurs as a side effect of these substances.

An independent solution to the problem of hand sweating is impossible. Only a comprehensive survey and consultation of specialists will help to cope with this disease. At home you can only support and facilitate the general condition of your body, affecting the consequences, and not at the reason itself, to find and heal that only an experienced doctor will help.

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Lola 02/09/2018 at 13:14

I have a palm of the palm of the way because of the problems with the thyroid house .. The hormones in order did not led, I could not get rid of it. Having taken endocrinol to the advice of the doctor and tried there are more useful fats (nuts, fish, oil). Severably everything was normalized ... I myself did not even notice how the palms stopped sweating ... Yes, and more so, there are no more active, fatigue and apathy now ... All the same, the thyroid has a lot of affects in our body.

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