Treatment of hyperhydroza

Treatment of hyperhydroza

Pathological hyperhydrosis is an uncontrolled sweating, which is due to the number of neuroendocrine disorders. Moreover, it is manifested independently of the effects of temperatures on the body. Focal, it is the primary hyperhydrosis, affects excessive sweating of individual zones: feet, paha, palms, faces, armpits. It may be caused by genetic predisposition, failures in the central nervous system. Secondary, he is general, makes sweat the whole body. Often is a symptom of different diseases. To get rid of it, reveal the cause and eliminate it.

The factors that promote the emergence of a total (secondary) hyperhydroposis include pregnancy, diabetes, menopause, abuse of alcoholic beverages, infectious, as well as cardiovascular diseases, gout, obesity, endocrine disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, antibiotic, hypotensive drugs and antidepressants, Acromegaly, oncological diseases. To identify the root cause of increased sweating, pass the survey, which includes instrumental and laboratory diagnostics. Consult an endocrinologist, infectious, neurologist, gynecologist, cardiologist. In case the studies do not answer the question of the causes of this ailment, the diagnosis of focal hyperhydrosis is made. The treatment requires a long, it is better to carry out complex therapy. Do not forget about the rules of hygiene, regularly take a contrasting shower, avoid stress, excessive mental and physical exertion, pay time to walk in the fresh air. Wear only comfortable clothing, better from natural fibers or viscose, avoid synthetics.


Observe the diet, from the diet, exclude products containing theobromine, caffeine - these are substances that stimulate sweating. These include chocolate, cocoa, black tea, as well as coffee. Also refuse salt, pepper, coriander, ginger, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, garlic, ketchup, pork, legumes, since these products activate the sympathetic nervous system, and this leads to an endocrine and metabolic response after half an hour after use, thus causing intensive sweating . On your desk there must be a salad, carrots, parsley, yeast, buckwheat, kailing cabbage, fig. Try to enrich the body by calcium, because with this ailment it is actively displayed. Use alumochlorides every day instead of familiar deodorants. For example, Drisol, Odoban, but keep in mind that they can cause irritation. Use drugs based on formaldehyde. The gel of Formidon and Timurova paste, but they are not very convenient for use. Try the formagel.

Of the drugs, clonopine, atropine, propranolol, prozak are considered the most effective. But keep in mind that the necessary doses can cause tachycardia, dry mouth, violation of the chair, nausea, violation of vision. Try electrophoresis, such as the device "Drionics". The course of treatment will determine the doctor, but usually it is ten procedures, one per week. Use the injections of botulinum toxin A, they bring a significant result with the hypergidrosis of the axillary depression, however, you will have to repeat the procedures every six months. The same effect has drisole. Pretty effective in the fight against this misfortune of the armpit curettage. The procedure is the scraping of the skin from the inside, which is carried out through a small incision. Try to get rid of the disease with the help of a laser. You will be introduced under the skin optical fibers, damaging walls of sweat glands. Such treatment is recognized as the safest of the mechanical methods. The time of the procedure is no more than half an hour.


Resort and to this method as galvanization or ionophoresis, which is used in hypergidrosis of stop and palms. The required part of the body will be placed in the water and small electrical impulses will be allowed. The most radical way to combat this ailion are various types of sympathectomy (lumbar, thoracoscopic). The essence of the procedure consists in excision or the religion of the clips of nerve endings innervating sweat glands. The effect lasts at least two years.


Take advantage and folk ways to combat hyperhydrosis:

  • make salt baths for palms: dissolve three spoons of marine or cook salt in liter not very hot water, lower your hands and keep up to cooling;
  • fill three spoons of oats in a liter of water and boil an hour, let it cool and keep the palm in the solution twenty minutes;
  • with hyperhydrosis of the stop in front of the wear of the socks, sprink down the starch or fastened oak crust, use and birch leaves;
  • make a foot massage using apple vinegar or tea tree oil.

Bath fork

The most easiest way to combat hyperhydrosis is the use of freshly squeezed tomato juice. Drink it on a glass for two weeks. And let your body please you with freshness and dryness.


Comments leave a comment
Victoria 16/06/2018 at 19:27

An unpleasant thing, of course. I remember for a long time tormented with this until I set the reason. It turns out that it was one of the symptoms of the beginning of menopause. The doctor appointed to drink cycle alanine, said that he would remove the symptoms. And really helped, besides, it began to follow much more carefully for the hygiene)

Lidia 14/07/2018 at 14:54.

It was also that it was so one of the symptoms of Klimaks manifested itself. On the advice of the doctor, the Ice Formula of the Menpause was reduced, and it became much easier, the symptoms were well removed, including sweating gone. Well, twice, the hygiene especially carefully began to monitor, especially since it also took up sports))

Lidia 14/07/2018 at 14:55.

It was also that it was so one of the symptoms of Klimaks manifested itself. On the advice of the doctor, the Ice Formula of the Menpause was reduced, and it became much easier, the symptoms were well removed, including sweating gone. Well, twice, the hygiene especially carefully began to monitor, especially since it also took up sports))


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