Why do your periods go clots

Why do your periods go clots

If during menstruation you noticed the appearance of dense blood discharge, you should not immediately set yourself up for the worst, because this does not always serve as a manifestation of some pathological process. Let's figure out what could be the cause of clots during menstruation.

First of all, you need to understand that the composition of menstruation in a woman is not only blood, but also vaginal mucus, the inner layer of the uterus, cervical mucus. Monthly rejection of the endometrium in nature cannot be characterized by the uniformity of the structure, therefore, menstruation and pass with the release of a certain number of small clots. Please note that if these clots acquire an abnormality, which every woman can notice, who is well -oriented in the nature of her menstruation.

Menstruation with discharge rejected from the norm (large -size clots and quantity) may be the result of the rejection of the placenta and fetus in the early date. A woman may not suspect a pregnancy and understand that it was only with the appearance of such discharge, accompanied by severe pains and prolonged menstruation.

Diseases of the female reproductive system are characterized not only by painful menstruation, but also by violation of their regularity, quantity and composition. The diagnosis of uterine fibroids, polyposis or endometriosis (excessive growth of the inner mucous membrane of the uterine cavity) can only be made by a doctor, but a large number of clots that go out during menstruation can speak about the development of these diseases.

After the intervention in the uterine cavity (abortion, curettage as a result of complicated birth), its walls are damaged. Blood accumulates in the wounds, which then in the form of clots is rejected by the uterus when it is reduced.

In case of impaired blood coagulation, it is very quick to turn it into clots. This condition may be associated with hormonal disorders, specific diseases or medications that affect the composition of the blood.

The incorrect structure of the childbearing organ - bends, excesses, internal obstacles, which only the doctor can diagnose, complicates the normal monthly detachment of the uterine mucosa. There is a stagnation of blood with the subsequent painful release of its clots.

Hormonal changes or pathologies of the endocrine system (obesity, diabetes mellitus) in the body of a woman entail the appearance of clots during menstruation. Excessive secretion of estrogen by the body leads to excessive growth and hyperplasia of the endometrium (mucosa), which is characterized by severe bleeding with clots.

To exclude the possible development of pathological states of the female genital area, with the appearance of uncharacteristic for monthly discharge, contact the gynecologist.

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Sasha 29/10/2021 at 9:39

It is better to consult a doctor .... The reason can be a lot and better to individually undergo research. But from my own experience I can say that often such she before menopause arises. Therefore, it is better to immediately start drinking Evalarovs phytoestrogens so that the well -being is good. So it will be possible to avoid treating, irritability and everything else. By the way, it is easy to order a phytomarket in the online store, they are always available there.


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