Masks for accelerating hair growth

Masks for accelerating hair growth

Falling on the shoulders of the waterfall of long dense hair - the dream of many women. Unfortunately, it is not possible to implement it. Often, as soon as you begin to grow a long hairstyle, problems begin: the tips shakes, the hair grows very slowly, but there is nothing irresistible for a person purposeful, and he will definitely achieve the desired. One of the effective ways is to use all sorts of masks, so read and proceed to the exercise of your dream.

Types of hair growth masks

If you do nothing, then for the month, the hair can grow up to a maximum of 2 cm. The process is significantly accelerated when natural intercompound masks begin to make both hair and scalp. Conditionally, they can be called:

  • nutritional, producing additional energy of the hair onion and leading to accelerated hair growth;
  • stimulating, irritating skin on the head, which is a peculiar push to an intensive increase in hair length.

Selection of masks depending on the type of scalp

Choosing a composition that helped your girlfriend very much, you make a big mistake, because for you her recipe can be not only useless, but also hurt hair. All because of the different type of skin on the head. Applying a mask recommended for oily hair, on dry scalp, you will only provoke an even greater peeling and dandruff appearance. And it may turn out that you have some essential oils cause an allergic reaction. So keep in mind:

  1. For normal and oily hair, nutrient masks from natural oils used by cosmetologists - castor, reperya, olive.
  2. Such, breaking hair, except oils, and other components, such as fresh egg yolk or protein, honey, yeast or black bread, yoke or kefir, cosmetic clay.
  3. Before applying oil, apply it to a drop in the ear. If after some time itching, redness or rash will appear, then you will have to try other options.

Nourishing masks based on plant ingredients

A good effect is given masks prepared on the basis of ragners, juices and infusions. Consider several examples.

Chamomile and rye bread

The hair is much faster after applying on them for 1 hour of cashis from rye bread, operated in the chamomile. For cooking you need:

  1. Chamomile pharmacy - 1 large spoon. Pour 200 ml of boiling water and give to stand 0.5 hours, and then profit;
  2. Rye bread - 1/4 part of standard big loaf. Cook, fill with infusion and mix.

Neprug and yolk.

Nettle, widely used in folk and official medicine, and has a beneficial effect on hair, contributing to their recovery and more intensive growth. Preparing a mask as follows:

  • dry nettle leaves - 1 tbsp. l. brewing in 0.2 liters of boiling water and insist 1 hour, and then incense with infusion;
  • whipped chicken yolk - 1 pc. - We pour a little in the infusion, mix, we apply on a dry head at 0.5 h.

Tea mask

Perfectly stimulates hair growth mask based on tincture of tea leaves. They insist on vodka for 2 hours, then faster, rub in the roots, bury the head with polyethylene and cotton towel and withstand an hour. To see the result, repeat 2 times in 7 days. Growth will become noticeable in a week. For cooking you need:

  • tea leaves - 0.25 kg;
  • vodka - 100 ml.

Aloe and Lemon.

This mask is preparing quickly and very well affects hair growth. All you need to do:

  • we take 25 g of aloe juice;
  • add lemon juice - 20 g;
  • grind garlic clove and mix with yolk;
  • cooking Cashitz, Mix all the components;
  • we apply on the scalp, we bite the napkin;
  • withstand 0.5 hours, then wash off.

Leaves of Ivy

A decoction of ivy leaves is an excellent natural hair growth stimulator. We are preparing:

  • grinding ivy leaves to get 4 big spoons;
  • fill with filtered water;
  • boiling 10 min.;
  • cool, filter;
  • we rub in the skin with the frequency of the day 2-3 for 8 weeks.

Stimulating masks

Components that annoy the skin of the head, causing an intense influx of blood to the bulbs, thereby stimulating hair growth. These compositions include pharmaceutical masks or infusion gorky pepper, mustard, bows. Apply such masks should be carefully:

  • use gloves must be used;
  • check how the skin reacts to the mask;
  • make sure that there is no wound on your head;
  • apply a mask before washing the head and not on the hair, but on the skin;
  • watch out to be composition did not hit the mucous membranes;
  • apply no more than 2 times a week.

As a final council, remember: whatever hair growth masks you do not achieve the desired result, if you do not eat right, walk in the fresh air, and also become nervous for any reason.

Comments leave a comment
Tanya 25/11/2018 at 12:39.

Your masks will try. I am my head shampoo based on oat surfactants Horse Fors. It stimulates hair growth. I use it a month and noticed that the hair rose more than usual

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Anna 22/01/2020 at 16:43

And I have a horsa force like a mask mask. There is an extract from pepper, which stimulates hair growth, accelerates blood circulation, due to which hair bulbs actively feed

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