How do keratin hair straightening

How do keratin hair straightening

Women at all times tried to be beautiful, so a lot of time was given to their hair. After all, well-groomed male attracts men and gives us true femininity. Especially now it has become easy to take care of the hair when we have the opportunity to visit the salons or enjoy special means and procedures. Below we consider one of the most popular hair restoration methods and giving them glitter.


Keratin gives damaged hair second breathing, as well as saturates their vitality and gives natural shine. The whole procedure has a recovery effect, therefore it can be safely defined even the healing. In addition, keratin does not change the hair structure in contrast to other similar ways. The essence of keratanization is that the substance in liquid state is pierced into the structure of each hair, capturing all the cracks and emptiness. And all this under the influence of directional heat turns into a protective layer, thereby giving elasticity with hair.

The advantages of keratin rectification

Consider the main advantages of keratin hair straightening:

  • Keratin is suitable for any hair types.
  • The keratration procedure does not use harmful chemicals that would harm hair health and human body.
  • The hair becomes lighter and less polluted.
  • Thanks to Krats, the hairstyle retains its volume longer.
  • Immediately after kerata, you can visit the baths, reservoirs, saunas and do everything with their hair, which will want.
  • After the procedure, the hair, even in wet state, is easily combed.
  • The chapelur acquires natural shine and smoothness.
  • Hair stopped firmware and do not electrify.
  • The procedure can be corrected after a while, etc.

Disadvantages of keratin straightening

Of course, Keratoving does not work out without minuses:

  • Quite high cost of passing the procedure.
  • Keratoving takes from 3-5 hours in the cabin.
  • After keratin, it is impossible to wash your head for three days, use elastic bands, etc.
  • If you came out after the cabin, and on the street it rain, then the effect will decrease.
  • Some people may have allergic reactions to any component.
  • If the procedure occurs in a poorly ventilated room, that is, the risk is poisoned by formaldehyde compounds.
  • For some time, the hair may seem dirty.
  • The tips after some time they can start breaking, and they will need to be cut.

Who is better to use the procedure

It is impossible to be kerating an absolutely safe process, since it has a number of restrictions. Before the procedure, it is better to consult with a doctor or with a knowledgeable specialist.


  • Hair, which needs shine, straightening and improving.
  • Those who have curly hair, and they feel bad and stacked.


  • It is impossible to use keratin to those who have damaged leather of the head or there are skin diseases.
  • If hair often falls out.
  • It is prohibited by those women who enter young children.

How do keratin hair straightening

Best of all keratin hair straightening to trust a professional in the beauty salon. He will be able to tell if you need such a procedure and do you have restrictions on it. The generally accepted process of coratting in the cabin consists of the following steps:

  1. The specialist clears the hair with a rare teeth, my shampoo my head washes with keratin and thoroughly massaged every strand of hair so that the tool penetrates the hair as deeply.
  2. After the head wash, and remove excess water from the hair, comb.
  3. Give a couple of minutes so that the hair is dried alone.
  4. A special straightening drug is applied to wet hair by massaging movements.
  5. Then the hair is thoroughly dried with a hairdryer and smoothed by a styler (temperatures around 230 degrees).
  6. The hair wash and dried again.

The result from keratin straightening is preserved within 4-7 months.

If you have curly hair from which you are tired, or they are in a deplorable state, then keratin rectification is well suited for these situations.

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Diana 10/10/2015 at 9:18.

I found an option to cheaper, these are shampoo, with the effect of keratin hair straightening, Rinfolutyl Silex. The composition contains silicon, which smoothes each hairs, and makes it smooth and obedient. I use the lotion of the same company, also with silicon, and get rid of hair loss, and I achieve beauty. You can still make gelatin masks to do at home, but it requires a lot of time, and it is always not enough.

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