How to repaint hair from black in brown

How to repaint hair from black in brown

Blonde beauty is much easier to change the tone of the hair than the dark-haired. They do not need to undergo the process of lightening curls, which drush them as strong as the usual color. Brunettes wishing to repaint in brown, you need to perform a number of actions.

First of all, it is worth considering that at home you will not be able to achieve such an effect, what kind of painting will give you in the hairdresser. A specialist will be able to find the necessary funds in order for the color of Lög evenly along the entire length, and so that it looks natural, and the hair does not lose the live gloss. Also, a professional will be able to give advice on the tone suitable for you and correct errors if the result does not satisfy you. However, the service of the hairdresser will cost you more than self-painting.

Hair care

If you still can not find the opportunity to visit the hairdresser or simply do not want to spend money on it, then buy a hair clarifier in any professional store and the paint of the desired shade. Do not use the peroxide, since because of her, the hair dries very much and become like a washcloth, while it is almost impossible to restore their healthy appearance. And in general, in any case, your curls will be very damaged, but with all sorts of oils and masks, their condition can be corrected for the better.


Before applying any painting / clarifying agents, you need to go through the skin sensitivity test. It is done very simply and does not take much time. Apply paint to the skin area behind the ear or on the wrist and wait 30-40 minutes. If no allergic reactions occurred with your skin during this time - irritation has not appeared, pronounced redness and other things - you can start hair color.

Pretty cellophane gloves (usually go in packing with coloring tool) and cover your shoulders with an old towel, so as not to stain clothes and skin during discoloration. If there is no towels, it is simply putting the worn clothes, which is not sorry to spoil. Follow the instructions attached to your tool when you breed a clarifier in a vessel or deep dishes. Apply it on the hair from the roots to the tips, especially paying attention to the occipital and temporal zones. Hold the tool that time specified in the instructions (usually no more than 40 minutes), and then rinse with warm water.

Next, you can go directly to hair coloring in the desired color. Repeat carefully read the instructions and pass the paint according to it. First, apply the composition only on the roots of the hair, as thoroughly wrapped the head and whiskey. After waiting for about 10 minutes, you can apply it to the rest of the hair. Try to distribute the substance evenly along the entire length. If you have thick long hair, then be alert, because the paint may not be enough. It is better to apply it to a little on strands, sinking from the roots to the tips. If the paint got into the skin, then immediately erase it with a wet cotton disk, otherwise all this time you have to endure an unpleasant pinching. After 30 minutes, thoroughly wash the hair with warm water until it stops being soapy and color.

Usually in packs with paint there is a small bottle of hair mask. Be sure to use it. If there is no balm, buy it in advance and apply on the hair after we wash the paint. This tool will help to restore the dried by the clarifier and the color of the curls, giving them shine.

A month after painting, repeat the procedure if you do not want to have a sharp boundary between black roots and brown hair. Good luck in the change of appearance!

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