How to make teeth white?

How to make teeth white?

The perception of a person depends on many factors: the right speech, the manners of communication, neat appearance and moral principles. An important factor is a smile. To use the interlocutor to conquer it, you need to have healthy white teeth. Rarely who can boast of perfect color from nature. In this case, you need to resort to one of the whitening methods, eliminating the harmful factors, adversely affecting the color of the enamel.

Factors that negatively affect the whiteness of the teeth

Just whiten your teeth - the task is satisfied, the main thing is to maintain the result at the proper level. To do this, eliminate the harmful factors that negatively affect the color of the teeth. This can be attributed to:

  1. Smoking is the main negative factor. During this process, the soot settles on enamel and eventually forms a serious raid. Get rid of it is very difficult.
  2. Coloring products. Frequent use of coffee, coca - cola, red wine or tea will lead to a change in the color of the tooth coat. The more often and longer, such products will be used, the darker the enamel will become.
  3. Medicines based on tetracycline and doxycycline. These antibiotics violate the mineral composition of the teeth, change their color and harm enamel. Excessive use of drugs with a large content of Fluoride will also negatively affect the teeth.
  4. Age changes and poor care. Over the years, enamel becomes thinner and a darker layer is shouted through her surface - Dentin.
  5. Removal of nerve and tooth sealing. These factors immediately make a gray shade tooth, because a seal is used.
  6. Professional diseases of teeth due to cramped contact with iron, manganese or nickel.

It also matures the heredity and congenital color of the teeth. Initially, it can be more gray or yellow.

Help professionals

It is possible to achieve a positive resistant result if you turn to professional whitening. In this case, you can be sure that the effect does not make himself wait. There are several methods to make teeth white. Their choice depends on the state of the enamel, sensitivity of the teeth, the launch of the state and the financial ability of the patient.

The dentist may recommend a certain type of bleaching only after inspecting the oral cavity.

Zoom - System

This method is based on the use of a special gel, which is based on the calcium phosphate. He makes his teeth white and strengthens them in general.

The procedure occurs like this: light rays affect the enamel, while the oxygen molecules are released and eliminate all contamination.

The system implies several whitening sessions. Their quantity depends on the "native" color of the teeth. Modern devices used in this case can whiten enamel on 8 tones per session. This result boasts not all methods.

After the procedure, the dentist will provide recommendations on the conduct of hygienic oral procedures, so that the color lasted as long as possible.

Laser bleaching

One of the most popular ways to achieve a snow-white smile. Such a procedure begins with the fact that a whitening gel is applied to the teeth. Then the ultraviolet lamp affects it, and the color becomes much white. In this case, the prevention of caries is automatically, the teeth are strengthened.

Each session suggests that enamel will be on the tone lighter.

Whitening with a special powder

This technique allows you to achieve the desired result with due to symbiosis of soda and silicon dioxide. The powder acts on the dental enamel and makes the teeth immediately much whiter. Several procedures will allow to achieve a strong result by year.

Whitening cabins

The advantages of such bleaching is that the procedure can be carried out at home. Kapaps are colorless, therefore invisible surrounding. With them you can safely go into society and feel confidently.

Another plus is an individual selection of the product. This is done by a dentist, whose task is that the patient felt comfortable.

The lack of such treatment is the duration of the process. Kapa need to wear every day.

Teeth whitening at home: Is it possible?

Many are skeptical about teeth whitening at home. There is a reasonable explanation for this: the result will be much more complicated without special tools and drugs, the effect may be short-term, and in some cases it is even damaged to the teeth.

The main principle of this method - if discomfort, whitening procedure must be stopped.

The easiest and most affordable method to make a smile sparkling on its own is the use of bleaching toothpastes. They include fluorine and abrasive substances that affect the raid and destroy it. In this case, do not do without samples and mistakes, because it is difficult to choose "your" toothpaste.

  • Another option is to use soda. To take advantage of them, you need to cut off a little bandage and put in it a food soda. Such a tampon should be wiped with enamel.
  • You can also pour out soda in toothpaste, adding some more hydrogen peroxide and salt. This mixture is very effective, but it is not necessary to use it. Otherwise, enamel can damage.
  • Whitening gel, like a toothpaste, will give the first results after a couple of weeks from the start of treatment. The procedure goes like this: the gel must be applied to enamel and leave it for a while, and it is impossible to close your mouth. Then you should rinse the cavity with warm water.
  • Strawberries can also help whiten his teeth. Due to the acid, which is contained in it, the procedure will be efficient and safe. You need to wrap one major berry in the puree and connect it with soda. Apply a mixture to enamel and leave for 5 minutes. Then - wash off with water.
  • From a long time, wood ashes were used as a bleach for teeth. It contains potassium hydroxide, which positively affects the color of the teeth. This natural method is effective and not costly.

In order not to influence enamel with aggressive chemical components to whiten it, you need to care for your teeth daily. This concern will not only lead to a charming smile, but will be a pledge of good health.



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