What is Stomatitis

What is Stomatitis

Different rashes on gums, mucous membranes and cheeks, and neba are combined with one name - stomatitis. If you have noticed the mucous membranes of white spots, redness, bubbles or wounds, then all this can be attributed to stomatitis, but only the doctor can be delivered to the exact diagnosis. Stomatitis itself is very relative and includes several groups of diseases, which, in turn, are still divided into subgroups. When Stomatitis appears too often, you should think about the survey and complex treatment of the problem, since its long presence is fraught with serious diseases. In this article, you will learn more about Stomatitis, its kinds, treatment and reasons.

What is Stomatitis

Fundamentally stomatitis divided into three large groups:

  • Fungal stomatitis or candidomic.
  • Viral or infectious.
  • Bacterial.

Each of them has its reason for the appearance and methods of treatment:

  • Mushroom stomatitis is caused by lesions of mucous candidiasis. Especially often, this type of stomatitis suffer from low immunity and increased sensitivity to antibiotics. In addition to white formations on the mucosa and gums, the symptom can be a white flare across the entire oral cavity, cotton seals, accompanying burning and pain. If children are sick so stomatitis, they refuse meals and cry.
  • Infectious and viral stomatitis arise against the background of any viruses and diseases: measles, smallpox even influenza. Such lesions of the mucous need to be particularly attentive to prevent distribution.
  • Bacterial stomatitis is characterized by inflammation and redness of various parts of the mucous, up to the formation of wounds and injections. Most often appears after injury or lowering immunity, or together with another type of stomatitis.

In order to correctly diagnose the type of stomatitis, you need to turn to the doctor in a timely manner.

Causes of the appearance of Stomatitis

The most common:

  • The injury of the mucous, after which there was no proper care. If you did not disinfect the place of the wound after eating and several times a day, the probability of stomatitis rises. There are many microbes in our oral cavity, which are relatively harmless if there are no damage in the mouth, but with the appearance of scratches, they are quickly infected.
  • Caries on the teeth.
  • Malocclusion.
  • Staphilococcus viruses.
  • Various diseases that provoke a decrease in immunity and weakening the body.
  • Infection from another person through a kiss or overall dishes.
  • Babies can get stomatitis in childbirth or through milk and mother's nipples.
  • Allergy.
  • Taking antibiotics.

As you can see, even an incomplete list of reasons already covers a lot of people in the risk group. Establish the cause can only be a doctor who will observe you.

Treatment and prevention of stomatitis

Medicase treatment of stomatitis depends on its pathogen. In some situations, you will recover antibiotics, in others - antimicrobial, and in some in some, they will be asked to leave the wound alone.

To avoid stomatitis, maintain the oral hygiene, use the dental thread and suitable to you the brush. After receiving injuries and scratches in the mouth, immediately treat them and continue to care until they completely lish. Timely treat your diseases in a timely manner, even if they do not belong to the mouth. Remember that in our body everything is connected.

Doctors noted that the launched shapes of stomatitis may even cause cancer. When the disease does not succumb to drug treatment, the patient is carried out to remove the infected area.

Remember that Stomatitis is a serious illness, and even a small stain on the lip requires a visit to a doctor and passing all the necessary analyzes.

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Valery 12/24/2017 at 16:42.

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Yuliya 08/03/2020 at 20:53

i have, after the seeds of a prayer .. BR)) Aftfikhix gives a good result, it is necessary to act on the ulcers straight directly, and spend the tongue, it is immediately formed a protective film, you can eat and drink without any discomfort and in 2 days Stomatitis completely passes .

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