You are quite an adult, you are 20 years old, and you have started to grow tooth. This is an unusual tooth, it is called tooth of wisdom. What to do with it: leave, let it grow further, or snatch? Here the opinions of dentists were divided. So what to do? We will find out in this article.
Teeth of wisdom - are they needed?
At primitive people, the jaws were more powerful than us. This is explained by the fact that they had to chew more. Then, it was gradually the objects that cut, Molia Mammoth meat, and the teeth had less chewing. Over time and the jaw has a person changed - it has become smaller, and the teeth (in this case, the teeth of wisdom) continue to grow.
The wisdom teeth (the most extreme) can be from 1 to 4, in very rare cases, more than 4, and maybe not one cannot.
Teeth wisdom - tear or leave?
The teeth of wisdom are formed in a person already in adulthood, when everyone in the dental row is located in their place. And here the teeth begin to grow, they are not enough space, and they begin to shift already growing. Sometimes it happens that the new tooth can not "get out" and begins to push the standing healthy tooth. Then both teeth hurt, and they will have to be removed. It is impossible to admit this: it will be correct to take a picture of the teeth back in adolescence, when the teeth of wisdom are still forming, and decide - you need to delete them or, if they are free to face each other, let them remain.
Wisdom teeth need to delete In the following situations:
- Wisdom tooth grows crookedly
- Growing tooth of wisdom hurts nearby tooth, and they both hurt
- The tooth cannot "get out" from the gums at all, and causes pain
- In the dentition there is no place for a new tooth
- The tooth of wisdom has grown higher than the rest of the teeth in the row, and prevents chewing
So, we considered cases when you need to remove wisdom teeth, and when they can be left for direct use - chewing.